Speculation On USICH Federal Plan


Tue, Sep 27 at 3:13 PM To: Helene Schneider, Cc:Jeff Olivet,Tanya Mathis

Greetings Ms. Schneider, Shalom!
Apparently, the USICH staff is very busy working on final drafts for its White House, Strategic National Plan “roll out” which is perhaps why you have not taken the time to answer the questions posed to you.

Or, you guys are really struggling to get the contents of the Plan worked out right this time, after having the four previous plans deemed “OUTDATED”, even that as late as 2020, entitled “Expanding The Toolbox”.

These failures were based based on the erroneous assumption that “housing first”, and its related “mainstreaming” social services would end and prevent homelessness.

On numerous occasions we, the A-Team have offered our “lived experiences”, understanding, and hard-won resolution ideals to assist USICH’s devise its strategic plan, but thus far to avail.

Yet, in so many ways, this apparent rejection is contrary to what we read on USICH website, especially the portions of systemic racism against black citizens, as my person and work has been snubbed.

For whatever reasons, USICH either doesn’t want to work with us, thinking that we have nothing to offer, or staff has already complied with higher orders of a plan that our input would upset.

Predictions On The USICH Plan “Roll Out”
Well, while we await USICH’s “roll out”, I will now take the liberty to predict what its content will be.  Perhaps, what is shared may be wrong, and if so, please tell us.

After 35 years of obviously receiving false advice from the social services and just now coming to the conclusion that Justice presented in 1985; and the “housing first” model is too now ‘OUTDATED”, and “encampment management” appears to be your next option, USICH will the following:

After giving much jargon and platitudes, etc., about the matter, USICH will then offer to fund the social services, etc., to manage existing, growing in numbers and size homeless culture encampments; and because such action categorized as “emergency”, FEMA will probably oversee the whole matter.

The social services would be providing the following items:
sanitation facilities, i.e., portable toilets; water for hygienic purposes, and perhaps even cooking; brooms, rakes, garbage containers; clothing; recreation; even some employment opportunities in the encampment or otherwise; security; and essentially attempting to keep them from roaming the streets, and rifling neighborhood garbage receptacles; social services for health and dental care, including rehabilitation for those who seek it; and perhaps, a few into building, i.e., motels, hotels, shelters, etc.

Hence, what is the next step for these managed encampments, etc. residents?  Where do they go from these temporary, emergency places? Is this temporariness permanent state of existence?

The Massive New Recession Homeless
This is particularly poignant given the sudden rise of this ever growing, inflation-driven, “hurricane” economy recession, which forcing a greater number of Americans into homelessness, headed for automobile, i.e., cars, vans, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, shelter buildings, hotels and motels.

And of course, even according to USICH policy, this all will have the most devastating effects of American African, federal, black citizens.

Hotel California Factor
This is reminiscent of the Eagles hit, legendary song, “Hotel California”, of which one of the lines is, “You can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave”.

These innocent, unsuspecting victims of an oppressive society, can never leave these government sanctioned and funded encampments and building as the cost of living to high for these residents, and of course housing is now fully out of the question, which you know better than us, having all the recent data, etc.

We all know this strategy is utterly unsustainable in so many ways, and under no circumstances can these manage encampments be permanent.  Nonetheless, how long will these emergency measures be in place?

The Foreign Nationals Homeless (FNH)
Furthermore, “supersizing” the numbers of homeless citizens is the massive, influx of 5,000,000 new Foreign Nationals homeless (FNH) now entrapped in homelessness.

If the federal government could not resolve domestic homeless persons situations, what could it possible do about the FNH, but accept eventual United Nations classifying them as “REFUGEES” and the encampments, tent cities, etc., as “REFUGEE CAMPS”, thereby, the USA loses its own sovereignty.  A whole other challenge to Our Republic!

Also, see attached document that I’m posting to the public entitled, “The American Nightmare Scenario”

Given USICH’s continued silence on these matters, especially when Justiceville is offering humane resolutions, makes one think that what I said 37 years ago is true, that government will simply wait until someday in the future when homelessness culture becomes such a public health and safety threat, that when the military is indeed dispatched, there will be very little protest.

Perhaps, GOD forbid, that day has finally come up us.  These are just my sentiments, because we don’t see any other option left for USICH to take.

The Most High bless us all in this matter

Ted Hayes
Servant Director
Justiceville-EXODUS II: LA 2028

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