Let. Ms. Schneider: “Some Matters of Grave and Immediate Concern”

(cor directory)

Greetings Ms. Schneider, Shalom!
While still awaiting the “roll out” of the USICH Strategic National Plan, homelessness, particularly concerning those of us who are federal, black citizens, is becoming more numerous and complex due this present, unprecedented, inflation-driven, “hurricane” economy, recession, thereby making our joint tasks to humanely resolve it far more difficult, and near impossible, especially before the 2028, LA Summer Olympics.

Knowing that USICH and Domestic Policy Council (DPC), after 35 years haven’t been able humanely resolve domestic homelessness, how in the world will these two plus agencies handle the increasing, five million plus (5,000,000 +) Foreign Nationals now homeless (FNH) within our country?

Their growing presence has supersized the sufferings of our domestic homeless populations, by draining federal resources of time, compassionate passion, and funds belonging first and foremost to the American citizens and our homeless military veterans.

Once again, the impact of this drainage upon us black, “lived experience” homeless, are catching the worse end of another societal malady, resulting from admitted default and errant misuse of our federal government resources, including its authority.

Please tell us now, something of what USICH and the DPC is presently doing and are planning to successfully address these two, very distinct homelessness matters, one being domestic, and the other foreign.

“Distinct” in that, as with other Americans of willing immigration heritage and inheritance, these new arriving, FNH have come and are coming to our beloved country willingly, though illegally, whereas, we American Africans, are not being immigrants, but rather of the exclusive, “lived experience” of unwilling chattel enslavement.

We ask, is such treatment justice to the Americans who are experiencing the vestiges of over 400 years of unrequited injustice, being they, upon whose ancestors’ whipped backs, this nation of immigrants under GOD is built?

How can the Domestic Policy Council resolve domestic homelessness when now it is concerned about the now FNH?

Frankly, as USICH has not been able to answer the simplest of questions, we must conclude that it and DPC doesn’t know how to successfully address our concerns!  Therefore, you must allow and assist us to do fend for ourselves.

Double Trouble: Enter The United Nations, et al
As I’ve previously warned and admonished, it is imminent that the United Nations International Human Rights Commission (UNIHRC) will declare the homeless Foreign Nationals as “REFUGEES” and their makeshift, street shelters, tents, etc., encampments, “REFUGEE CAMPS”.

Nightmare of nightmare of the founding fathers, and everyone who gave their lives for the much, internationally desired freedoms our Union Republican Form of Government (Art. 4. Sec.4, US Const.), this UNIHRC move will thereby open our sovereignty to international meddling, which will ultimately further ravage us black citizens, as they are presently demonstrating that they don’t care about us whose backs this nation of immigrants is built.

Without us. there would be no America for them to come to.  Such height of insensitivity and disrespect by both our federal government and those nations who are sending their unsuspecting citizens here to replace Americans, particularly us American Africans.

Time To Allow Black Citizens To Decide Our Own Fate, AS USICH and DPC Has Consistently Demonstrated That They Can’t.
The Justiceville A-Team can help alleviate some of this, provided that you allow us to access the authorities of the POTUS, Commander in Chief US military to determine our fate and destiny, according the Emancipation Proclamation, which is the foundation of black citizens’ 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, federal, super citizenship status.

Note: “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

Remember, not we are not the typical NGO seeking federal funds, via the Constitutional, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, rather, we are expecting to utilize the super citizenship authorities granted us federal, black citizens for our own self-determination within the United States of America.

However, knowing full well what Justiceville is expecting, we understand that USICH staff can’t answer our question alone, nor make decisions without the approval of the Hon. Marsha Fudge, Chair of USICH, and her superior, Ms. Susan Rice Director of DPC.  I get and appreciate it!

Therefore, would you please arrange a conversation with both Ms. Fudge and/or Ms. Rice, or at least someone on staff at the Policy Council, whereby we can present some strategy to positively address these matters?

As it’s our Civil Rights, and our lives and destiny at stake, not yours, please arrange for us to at least try to save ourselves.

However, if not soon abated, you too, though having the inherited white “lived experience” based from the back of chattel slaves, you too will eventually find yourselves in harms’ way of what is coming upon our beloved nation under GOD, the Union that We the People seek to Save and thereby Keep Our Republic.

Again, the prophet MLK prophesying,

“For many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.”

Thanks kindly for your patient understanding and rapid response to our concerns,

Blessing of The Most High be upon us all, together in this tragic matter,

Ted Hayes
Ex. Director,
Justiceville – EXODUS II: LA 2028

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