Let. # 59, Olivet: “Emancipation Cancels Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless, US Citizens Part II”

Wed, Feb 1 at 4:17 pm To: Jeff Olivet | Cc: Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis
Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
Of course, I/we are mindful that as Executive Directer of USICH, you have no direct access of presenting the POTUS my/our letters, but nonetheless, surely the necessary arrangements can be made by which he is well informed in this matter.
Perhaps, the appropriate personnel in the White House is the Hon. Susan Rice, et al?

So please view the below letter, and move it to its proper reach,

Thanks kindly!
The Hon. Joe R. Biden
President of the USA
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC

“and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

Re: Emancipation Proclamation Supersedes and Cancels Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless, US Citizens Part II

Greetings Mr. President, Shalom!
In conducting my/our own dutiful role in what you have so correctly and aptly dubbed, “The Battle for the Soul of America”, which is being threatened from many divisive, external, and most dangerously internal forces to dissolve the Union.

Therefore, I/we once again implore you to take immediate measures that will prevent any strategic policies and plans, whether written or spoken within the federal government, of pending, military enforced, relocation of chattel slave descendants, nonetheless, the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence 2, B. and 5, supersedes, thereby orders the Executive Government, and the military to:

A. Stand down from conceptualizing any such notion and/or strategic plan;

B. Defend us from the harm of a military, enforced, relocation operation, i.e., “will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them in any efforts they may deem for their actual freedom.
Note: Military, i.e., federal, or federalized, state’s National Guard enforced, relocation, is an act, or acts of repression against us American Africans
As our American African ancestor, volunteer recruits, transitioned into
In like manner of our Emancipated, volunteer-enlisted, American African ancestors, who were “licensed” as “Lincolns’ Black or Colored Troops” also fight to Save the Union, thereby making the significant difference to stop the great insurrection.
Being Presidential authorized by Sentence 7 of Emancipation, the “Black Troops”assisted the Presidency (Lincoln) in winning the then, Union Republics’, “Battle for the Soul of America”; the “Biden Blacks” now seek to exercise their/our freedom “license” in similar manner as their/our ancestors help you Keep the Republic.

“And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service.”

Sir, you are well within legal purview, and that of our Union’s highest moral ground for courageously executing the ordered, Presidential, Commander in Chief duty of authorizing the support of Emancipation’s Subject Beneficiaries “in any effort they may make for their actual freedom”, by freely exercising their/our “Promissory Note” – “Freedom License.”

As the Emancipation itself, already cancels our military action, in your favor, it appears that The Most High has uniquely designated you the honorable opportunity to secure the nation from any such militaristic action.

The US President and military are respectively, each and/or combined, prevented by the US President and military from taking such militaristic action, that would dissolve the Union and loose our Republic.
This nightmare scenario could only occur should We the People, which includes you too, Mr. President, elect militarism to resolve a society caused, social malady, instead of the Ideals of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  Hence, the end of the American Dream experiment in a Republican Form of Government, as opposed to that of “strong man” tyranny.

Nonetheless, you are legally and morally fully equipped with the 1866 Civil Rights Act, Sec. 4, to make accessible to us direct access to the necessary, morally influencing, Presidential authority, as well as all associated, military resources, as ordered by the Emancipation Proclamation, bequeathed us chattel slave descendants, by Abraham Lincoln “to more perfect the Union.”

As previously letters stated, in our defense, and that of all Americans, duly expect you to:

1.     First, issue the Executive Order that forbids military, i.e., federal and/or federalized, state National Guard, relocation enforcement against homeless US citizens;

2.     Second, send the Order as a bill to Capital Hill for Congressional legislation;

In light of the present, but continuing, generational, white/black race “wound” turmoil occurring, and pending to worsen in our country, empowered by the mantel of Lincoln, and in the humble, reconciling to healing spirit of the 2008 Congressional Apology Resolution HR #194 (Simple), you are well capable of performing your role in Saving the Union  to Keep our Republic, i.e., “Battle for the Soul of America”.

We continue awaiting your responses to our urgent plea.

Blessings of The Most High to you and yours, as well as ours in this matter,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II


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