Let. # 58 Olivet – POTUS “Emancipation Proclamation Cancels Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless, Part I


Mon, Jan 30 at 11:43 am Let. #   To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis | Bcc: Pat Moore

Hey Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!

Previously, you said that you don’t know how to get my/our letters to the POTUS, of which I/we can appreciate, however, there must be something you can do to facilitate our simple expectations, or at least transfer them to the Hon. Susan Rice, please.

Thanks kindly for your service to us,
The Hon. Joe R. Biden
President of the USA
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

Re: Emancipation Proclamation Cancels Any Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless, US Citizens. Part I

Greetings President Biden, Shalom!
(Please see attached Narrative)
This is my/our third letter to you concerning the July 26,2022 Trump Military Option Proposal to force relocate homeless, US citizens, who are disproportionately American Africans, of which your White House policy states that “systemic racism” is the primary cause of, into, his words, “Huge tent cities on cheap land in one day, outside of town.”

Sir, this is essentially an act of creating internment/concentration camps, similar to how they were created by WWII Nazi Germany, and the US interning of American Japanese citizens.

What is expected of you as President of the United States (POTUS), is not controversial, but in fact, I/we are heartfully heeding, thanking you for, and acting on your public warning issued to us black citizens on August 14,2011.

On that fateful date, you warned, “They going to have y’all back in chains” of a modern-day chattel slavery, particularly via the criminalization the homeless, US citizens, being supported by the 13th Amendment, Part B, “except in prison”, hence, the present and growing prison industrial complex (PIC), closely interlocked with the homelessness industrial complex (HIC).

The Republican Factor
Of course, the “they” you said are the Republicans; and the “chains” are the “huge tent cities on cheap land outside of town” essentially, interment-concentration camps as proposed by Mr. Trump, a so called, “MAGA” Republican leader.

As you predicted, alarmingly, on July 26, 2022, now as a major portion of his 2024 Presidential campaign platform, if reelected, a Republican will dispatch federalized, State National Guard, under FEMA direction, to enforce the permanent, military relocation of homeless, US citizens into said facilities.

Of course, unless you are reelected, and your prediction becomes self-fulfilling.

However, you can end that risky matter right here, right now, whether of you or Mr. Trump, right where, by being the true Lincoln protégé’ completing his unfinished “great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they (North and South Civil War soldiers) for which they gave the last, full measure of devotion” (Gettysburg Address)

Furthermore, now within your grasp, you sir, now have the honored opportunity be a significant part of wearing the mantel of President Lincolns’ incredible, GOD-granted legacy in this sacred matter of the Americans around whom swirls the world’s greatest struggle for human moral dignity.

The chattel descendants, particularly they of South Carolina, the confederate state which imported and processed through Charleston over 40% of the combined British Colony & USA slave, were the blacks who made you leader of the Western World.

Is it indeed, too much to expect of you sir, if not in legal terms as POTUS, or in that of moral human dignity, do so as political “payback’ business.

Regardless of the 2024 victor, history will record that you in redeeming and reconciliation fashion according to the 2008, Congressional Resolution HR #19 (Simple), Apology for Slavery and Jim Crow, of which you, then as candidate-VP elect, etc., were aware.

Historians will say, “This is his eternal legacy. It was started by Joe, who waged and won the battle for the soul of America”.  Of course, there are a plethora of healing ironies that will result from your Lincoln-like role, which I/we can demonstrate to you, allowed the chance.

Your choice sir!

Before “The Supreme Judge of all the world”, we solemnly expect of you in the Lincoln mantel, to immediately take the imperative measure that will prevent Trumps, or any other such militaristic plans that may or may not be developed or developing policy within any federal or state government departments from ever materializing in our Free Republic.

1.     First, Step A: Execute the Presidential Executive Order that forbids dispatchment of either, regular federal troops, and/or, federalized, State National Guard to enforce the involuntary, forced relocation of homeless, US citizens into interment-concentration camps.

2.     Second, Step B: Send the Executive Order as a bill to Capitol Hill for Congressional Legislation of such.

Thank you!

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II

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