Let. #57 Olivet: “As Ordered and Commanded by the Emancipation Proclamation”

Thu, Jan 19 at 10:58 am To: Jeff Olivet | Cc: Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis

Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!

Would you please send this letter on to the appropriate White House personnel?
Thanks kindly!

Hon. Joe R. Biden,
President of the United States
Hon. Susan Rice,
Director, Domestic Policy Council

Re: Presidential Executive Order Forbidding Military Enforced Involuntary Relocation of Homeless US Citizens.

“and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”  (January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation)

Greetings President Biden, and Honorable Susan Rice, Shalom!’
A Commander in Chief, it’s expected of you to lawfully, and morally, order the stand down of a pending, potential militaristic action against domestic homeless, US civilians, including military Veterans, to prevent dissolution of the Union, and to Keep Our Republic, thereby avoiding the predicted failure of the American Dream experiment in people governance, instead of “strong man” tyranny.

This nation altering, Presidential Executive Order commands the “Executive Government…the military” to “do no act of acts to repress” American African, US black citizens.

As you know, your “All In” Plan of USICH admits that it can house only 25% of the national homeless population by 2025, leaving behind a growing, 75%, plus the ever, daily addition of thousands, 5,000,000 Foreign Nationals, thereby, in light the two world, sporting events in Los Angeles of 2026 and 2028, there is greater probably for military enforcement operations.

Perhaps, I/we are foolishly and unnecessarily paranoid about the military option, but as the King Solomon admonishes,

“The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble. A prudent man sees the evil, and hide himself; But the simple pass on, and suffer for it. The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” (Proverbs 22:6)

On August 14,2011, you actually warned us American Africans about this very matter saying, “They going to have y’all back in chains”, i.e., the plantations of a modern-day chattel slavery.

Now as you predicted, alarmingly on July 26, 2022, now as a major portion of his 2024 Presidential campaign platform, a Republican if reelected, a Republican is planning to dispatch federalized, State National Guard to enforce the permanent, military relocation of homeless, US citizens into huge “tent cities on cheap land” outside urban centers.

Therefore, in the manner and continuing, unfinished work of President Abraham Lincoln…

We Expect of you in his mantel with the assistance of Ms. Rice to prevent Trump or any other such plans from materializing in our Republican Form of Government.

1.     First, the Presidential Executive Order that forbids the dispatch of either, regular federal troops, or federalized, State National Guard to enforce the involuntary relocation of homeless, US citizens into interment-concentration camps.

2.     Second, the President sends the Order as a bill to Capitol Hill for Congressional Legislation of such.
Thanks kindly for your dutiful compliance with the Emancipation Proclamation.

The Narrative
Your Strategic National Plan, dubbed, “All In”, an apparent poker card gambling term, admits that that it can only house 25% of the nation’s homeless, with 75% left behind to a fatal, military fate.

With the increasing numbers and complexities of domestic homelessness alone, out frustration, most local neighborhood stakeholders will all the more welcome military enforced, relocation of homeless, even as their calls for more state, county, municipal, anti-homeless legislation, preparing way for military action.

Then again, there’s the ominous, 5,000,000 plus, daily growing by the thousands, Foreign Nationals now homeless, also being a public health and safety threat within our country, rapidly draining resources belonging to the domestics.

Since the July 26,2022 Trump, Military Enforced Relocation Proposal, we have consistently requested from Mr. Jeff Olivet, Ex-Director of USICH, your response to the Mr. Trumps proposal, simply asking whether you agree or disagree with it, of which we never received a satisfactory response.

We Want It Secured In Official Legislated Writing
during a Friday, December 2,2022 zoom meeting between my A-Team and USICH, Mr. Olivet emphatically stated that you do not agree with the Trump Proposal, nor is there within the White House, nor any federal department such a policy that military relocates homeless persons into internment camps…of which we were and are glad to hear.

Of course, we replied, please demonstrate this commitment in official writing as previously mentioned, but have not yet, over one month later had our request met.

You see sir, twice this matter of military enforcement relocation was asked by us of the USICH lead staff of the Trump Administration, and they too, recoiled and vehemently denied such a policy in the White House or any federal department.
Please see letter #21 https://domesticpeacecorps.org/relocte/

Now, some two years later, Mr. Trump is proposing exactly what Mr. Robert Marbut Jr., then USICH Ex-dir., and Mr. Benjamin Hobb of DPC denied was the case.

Therefore, we have in letters and the zoom meeting, requesting the appropriately proposed request, and expectation of the POTUS.

We look forward and expect to have our previous expectations to be immediately met, and together, beseech the blessings of The Most High in this greatest moral question in US history since the Civil War.

Ted Hayes
Justiceville – EXODUS II

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