Let. Olivet: To POTUS – “Emancipation Proclamation Forbidding of Any Military Enforced Relocation”

Wed, Feb 22 at 11:41 am, To: Jeff Olivet | Cc: Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis

Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
It’s now been been 7 months, including your December 2,2022 zoom session denial of support for the Trump military proposal, that we have been requesting from the Biden Administration to issue the Presidential Executive Order that will counter it, but to no avail as as yet.

Therefore, as the “squeaky wheel gets the oil”, I/we are obliged to continue calling for such Presidential action from Mr. Biden until that bright day of justice emerges for us all.
As previously, you are being asked to deliver this letter to the appropriate personnel in the White House as you admittedly have no authority in this matter.
Thanks kindly for receiving our encouraging admonitions,

The Hon. Joe R. Biden
President of the USA
Oval Office, White House
1600 Pennsylvania, Ave.
Washington, DC.
February 22,2023

Re: Emancipation Proclamation Forbidding of Any Military Enforced Relocation

Greetings Mr. President, Shalom!
Since the July 27,2022 pronouncement by former, US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump to militarily enforce the relocation and resettlement of homeless citizens, most of whom are disproportionately black, i.e., American Africans, into permanent, “huge tent cities”, essentially being internment camp facilities in 1 day, I/we have repeatedly, requested your position on this matter to no avail so far.

While during our December 2,2022 zoom session, your able, USICH Executive Director, Mr. Jeff Olivet confessed that the Biden Administration doesn’t support the Trump proposal, and nowhere in the White House, nor any federal department is such a policy.

This, we found is great and relieving news, however, to be safe and secured, I/we requested that your position must be formalized in writing, ensuring that no such policy and plan of action, exist, or ever will be.

However, Republican Presidential candidate Trump defies your, i.e., Democratic social agenda programs saying they all have failed, and that he will take over, and save our cities, by forcing homeless and “mentally ill”, US citizens driven into homelessness by America’s failing societies, into what amounts to concentration camps as expressed in the following article, and many others of such,

“Trump Wants Concentration Camps and Presidential Control of Domestic Troops…saying ‘the next chief executive should take control of the National Guard from state governors and deploy troops to quell cities.”

“We have to take back our streets and public spaces from the homeless, the drug addicted, and the dangerously deranged. What’s happened to our cities?” he said. “We’re living in such a different country for one primary reason: there is no longer respect for the law and there certainly is no order. Our country is now a cesspool of crime.”

“We have blood, death, and suffering on a scale once unthinkable because of the Democrat [sic] Party’s effort to destroy and dismantle law enforcement all throughout America. It has to stop, and it has to stop now.

“We believe that every citizen of every background should be able to walk anywhere in this nation at any hour of the day without even the thought of being victimized by violent crime,” he said. To build this utopia, America’s leaders must “be tough and be nasty and be mean, if we have to.”

“Perhaps some people will not like hearing this, but the only way you’re going to remove the hundreds of thousands of people, and maybe throughout our nation millions of people,…is open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities, bring in medical professionals…build permanent bathrooms and other facilities, make ‘em good, make ‘em hard, but build them fast, and build thousands and thousands of high-quality tents, which can be done in one day. One day. You have to move people out.”

The Republican leader goes saying,

“Perhaps some people will not like hearing this, but the only way you’re going to remove the hundreds of thousands of people, and maybe throughout our nation millions of people,…is open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities, bring in medical professionals…build permanent bathrooms and other facilities, make ‘em good, make ‘em hard, but build them fast, and build thousands and thousands of high-quality tents, which can be done in one day. One day. You have to move people.”

It’s my rational belief that military and security professionals are privately discussing this matter, albeit, there is no written or recorded documentation of such, at least that I/we know of.  Perhaps, you do, and need you to make known your position to America!

So, I do agree with the author of this article, that the 2024 Presidential election is ultimately about which political party will control of the US military, either Republican or Democrat, because the circumstantial situations of American society is demanding it.

Interestingly, we twice asked the same of the Trump Administration’s USICH staff, of which Executive Director Robert Marbutt, Jr., as your Mr. Olivet, also professed that no such plans or policy was in the White House, nor any federal department.
Yet, just under 3 years, the former President has made forced relocation of homeless, a central “plank” of his Presidential Campaign platform, of which at some point in this political year, you will have to address it.  So why not get out front of this and address it now.

The only way that the American People can be assured and our anxiety relieved, is by Presidential Executive Order that forbids such military action; and immediately following, you send it to Capital Hill for permanent legislation.

In fact, this Order and permanent legislation is based on the January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln, which according to Sentences 2, B. and 5, any military such planning now, or to be in the future to militarily enforce the relocation of homeless, US citizens into resettlement centers, internment-concentration-like camps and facilities, is strictly prohibited.

Due to your hesitancy to act,we are growing more inclined to believe that apparently you are in a contradiction-filled, political quandary similar to what Lincoln experienced before issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, therefore, it’s in your interest to simply allow its Subject Beneficiaries to assist in this matter.

According to the Emancipation Proclamation, as Chief Officer of the Executive Government, as well as Commander of the military, issue the Presidential Memo ordering all pertinent White House staff, and federal departments to comply with “any efforts they/we might make for our actual freedom”, i.e., “equal justice/protection under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” (The Act of 1866, Section 1).

This is what the late prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr., is prophesying to you today in “I Have A Dream” saying,

“This sweltering…of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is invigorating…freedom and equality.”

“America…will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual.”

“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

Hence, before Heaven and Earth, in this fierce urgency of now, you are implored to grant us safe, supportive “passage”, whereby we might finally apprehend the legal and moral inheritance so graciously bestowed by law upon American Africans of chattel slavery heritage, that we may rescue ourselves from an impending doom.

In this way, we are empowered to help win “The Battle For America’s Soul”, thereby “more perfecting the Union” and Keeping Our Republic.

Sir, as a patriotic citizen(s), and social activists voluntarily working for 38 years on helping to humanely resolve homelessness, I attest that my and other NGO’s working on it, from this time forward, can’t effectively continue our efforts, until this matter of military enforced, relocation of homeless by law, is assuredly not an option.

In closing, we expect you to conduct yourself according to the demands made upon by the Emancipation Proclamation and the US Constitution, and issue that needed Presidential Executive Order preventing any military enforced relocation of homeless persons.

Thanks, and the blessings of The Central Figure of the Declaration be on you, yours and us all,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics

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