Let To Schneider: Open Doors, Memos To Self Manage

Mon, Aug 22 at 11:20 AM Ted Hayes <ted@tedhayes.us> To:Helene Schneider | Cc:Jeff Olivet,Tanya Mathis | Bcc:Wayne Fishback
Re: A-Team’s Need For “Open Doors” Memos and Intent To Manage Our Affairs With Federal Departments and Local Stakeholders

Greetings Ms. Schneider, Shalom!
Thanks for your last email response of August 17th.

In it you made two statements revealing your misunderstanding of what A-Team is Constitutionally and morally right to expect of USICH.

Respecting your heavy workload, and desirous to avoid overwhelming you with emails, I will attempt to address them in a series of short communique’s.

By my 37 years of unprecedented, voluntary, cognizant, “lived experience” in homelessness encampment culture, particularly as it relates federal, black citizens, USICH can glean a huge wealth of experiential, practical knowledge for resolution to its many aspects.

Never having had such a grand, open minded opportunity in the White House, graciously afforded to me and A-Team by Mr. Jeff Olivet and yourself, I am discovering how very time consuming difficult it is for me to properly express so much in writing of these matters in a concise, sensible manner.

While I will try to speak frankly and to the point, thereby saving time, please know especially in my addressing to you, the highly sensitive and emotional matter of “systemic racism”, that there is no personal offense intended.

However, and if detected, please alert me, and it will be corrected, as we fully agree and aligned with your correct sentiments of,

“We know that homelessness is a structural failure, not a personal one, and that much is rooted in long-standing discriminatory regulations and practices that have disproportionately affected Black people”.

Of course, in my own live experience, skin, it is a challenging proposition for me to maintain emotional objectivity, especially being a black activist of the late 1960’s, as I remember and continue to complete those yet to be finished causes.  So the “fire” is still there!

So please, as time is of the essence, given my only high school education, and not being an English language editor, I ask that you be patient with my writings, missed typos, etc., and to please ask me for any clarifications.

To begin, the two statement from you are:

1.     “I am not in a position to coordinate a personal meeting with your team and the White House”

2.     “it will be important for your team to connect and coordinate with local leaders on your initiatives”

Statement 1:
Apparently, we missed something here?  Isn’t USICH, the White House?!?  Other than USICH, what or who in the White House do you think that we are referring to, as you are its homelessness department, under the auspices of the Domestic Policy Council.  Right?!?

Or is someone there we need to speak with?

Therefore, as you are the White House personnel that we seek to meet with, understanding your lack of USICH staff to directly handle all the matters of your California-Arizona region NGO’s, such as ours, therefore A-Team…

Doesn’t expect USICH staff to “lobby” for us, as such would be irresponsible on our part, but rather, we need you to issue Presidential, “Door Opening” memos to the respective federal departments, including to local public and private sectors stakeholders.

As being the experts, we insist on managing our own matters, knowing precisely what we seek.

Your August 4th letter, stated that USICH “will also continue to release additional tools and resources etc.”

These memos, will cut through the layers of “red tape” specifically designed to thwart the advancement of federal, black citizens, thereby empowering us to discuss our strategic plans that will deliver us from the systemic racism of both federal as well as local leaders and stakeholders.

Such is the is the primary reason for seeking “door opening”, Presidential memos, as needed to the 19 USICH department, initially to such as the DOJ, and the State, of which I will later detail explain in future communiques’.

In fact, giving the volumes of various, even customized information of your regions NGO’s policies, intents, etc., it’s not necessary for USICH staff to understand, nor agree with our views and objective, but rather simply “open doors” that we may make the pertinent presentations.

Again, we don’t seek USICH to manage our discussions with appropriate departments, etc., but to simply issue the memos, of which the slain, federal, black citizen, the prophet MLK taught us is our “Promissory Note” i.e., the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act to the “Bank of Justice”.  See attached “I Have A Dream”

Also, as late James Brown sang to us in the midst of the 1960’s Civil Rights movement, when I was but a teen, some 50 years ago, in his soulful tune, Black and Proud, “I don’t want nobody to give me nothing, open up the door, and I will get it myself.”

Otherwise, if you don’t issue the memos, how else can we achieve for the POTUS, EXODUS II: LA 2028 for his lasting legacy.

Statement 2:
Please understand that you are asking me to lead my Team to go back to the same local LA stakeholders who have for 37 years, virulently practiced “systemic racism” against me and my fellow, homeless, federal, black citizens, of which I later further explain the horrific details of.

It’s like telling an escaped chattel slave to return to plantation master from ask him for his freedom. Or, fire department personnel telling escapees from a burning edifice, to return into the fire and ask it not to burn them.

Please tell me/us, how can I/we work in collaboration, with the locals, when they are admittedly entangled in evidential systemic racism against federal, black citizens?  How do you do that?

Of course, we have always from the beginning sough collaborations with the local stakeholders, as it is documented in the Spring 199 JSAP, some 22 prophetic years earlier, rebuffed, forcing to federal government who federalized American African, freed chattel slaves into US citizenship.

Since the federal government militarily freed us from those grueling, 245 years of generations-destroying, systemic racism causing, chattel slavery in the Spring of 1865, based on the mandates of our super citizenship status, it is of legal necessity, that we are instructed to come to the Presidency.

In this specific case, USICH to activate the empowerment to overcome the racist “red tape” of federal, and local, as well as public and private entities in order to achieve our actual, lived experienced of “equal justice/protection under the law” freedom, “as enjoyed by white citizens” according to Section 1 of The Act.

However, it was not until the early 1950’s and ‘60’s did our “Negro-Colored” leaders figure our federal, Presidential authority, i.e., Civil Rights according to The Act, to overcome the systemic racism cause by anti-black, racial discriminatory legislation of state, county and municipal jurisdictions, as well as private entities.

In walking in the paths of our ancestors and forefathers, upon whose shoulders we stand to complete what they gave their lives for.

More to come on this matter!

Thanks again for your graciousness not only “we hear you, Mr. Hayes”, but more importantly to heed and act.

The loving blessing of The Most High be upon us all in this matter,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville – EXODUS II: LA 2028

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