Letter To Schneider #19 “Questions For Clarity”

Thu, Aug 25 at 7:33 PM Ted Hayes <ted@tedhayes.us> To:Helene Schneider |Cc:Jeff Olivet,Tanya Mathis

Re: Questions For Clarity

Hey Ms. Schneider, Shalom!
(Speaking from my heart)

As I research through the USICH website, I’ve noticed the numerous times, revealing a great policy, espoused by Mr. Jeff Olivet, as well as Ms. Susan Race, that calls for ALL of us to “come, work together”, along with the necessary participation and “positioning” of community leaders, as well as individuals of “lived homelessness”, and of course, those of black citizens experiences, and or both are needed for their/our input.

In wholehearted acceptance of your warm and encouraging welcoming of our direct participation as a partner with USICH staff, in order to prevent us from “reinventing the wheels”, that perhaps you may already have in motion, …

…Team must know, and or have some clarity on certain aspects of the USICH present plans, whereby we might make the necessary adjustments of working together without stepping contradictory confusion.

We pose these questions:

1.     As A-Team has its’ own “roll out plans” (for EXODUS II: LA 2028, Objective via Presidential authority, along with the joint participation of local and national, as well as global stakeholders, this being of particular interest to the LA, USA, and International Olympics Committees, remembering what occurred here in 1984 to homeless citizens, not desirous to repeat that travesty, but this time, with a much greater human population, combined with even more advanced, technological, communications systems of 2028…)

Would you please briefly explain the processes of USICH’s late, September roll out of the White House’s Strategic Homelessness Resolution, National Plan?

2.     Also, if there is one in mind, about what is the time frame for USICH’s plan to humanely end homelessness in America? I think that somewhere in it, the website says by 2054 or so, some 20-30 years from now.  Is this so?

3.     As Team is not an NGO competitor, nor federal funding from any of the Council Departments, or Congress, does our position preclude, or exclude us from participating with USICH staff in immediate strategic thinking, as what we bring the “table” is 26 years ahead of them?  If so, why?  If not, how and what light do you accept our role?

4.     When inviting community “leaders”, etc.  such as ourselves, even myself having “lived experiences” uniquely in both black inheritance, as well as homelessness, does this positioning also regulate us/me from participating in the equity discussions?  If so, why?

5.     As USICH’s core answers to homelessness is/was “housing, housing, housing” and “housing first” etc., of the hard reality of which housing, especially that of low income or affordable…

is now a proven, impractical proposition, both financially and geo physically, doesn’t that mean that the majority of your policy and data on the website, including policies, and program objectives are “outdated”, and needs to be reformulated?  If not, why not?  If yes, how do you propose to do so?

6.    When Mr. Olivet says, “We believe that people who have experienced homelessness should be in positions of power to shape federal, state, and local policy”, what does he mean?  What kind of position?  One that is paid within, as staff with the USICH or voluntary?

7.     Does “power” and “position” mean, possessing authority to discuss, strategize, and make decisions, or just to be a “token” to make his words seem honest and hopeful of real change?

8.   When you invite folks like me of “lived experiences” to directly partnership with USICH, what is you qualifying criteria for us to participate on such a level?  From what basis was/is your criteria derived?

We eagerly await you answers to these questions as Team is developing strategy to get ourselves on a good and early track to marathon to our mutual Olympian GOLD July 14th2028, grand objective.

On that foreseen, sacred celebratory day of the July 14th, OPENING DAY ceremonies of the 2028 LA Summer Olympiad, may it be solemnly announced to a stadium full of joyous spectators, all united in peace, via advanced television and internet accesses of the time, with the billions of viewers around earth of Olympian nationalities…

…thanks to former US President, the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, and The Most High, homelessness in America, beginning in Los Angeles, its FORMER National Capital, has been humanely resolved.

Thanks kindly,

Ted Hayes
Justice EXODUS II: LA 2028

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