Re: Letter 2: The Candidates Participants of the “Right Here, Right Now, Right To Where?” Forum

[See: “Matters of Systemic Racism – USICH] [Forum Participants Letter 1] [Letter 2] [Letter 3] [Letter 4]

Greeting forum participants, Shalom!
Now that we have your undivided attention and commitment, please indulge my White House Negotiating A-Team’s presentation to you.

The Forum Continues

This presentation is entitled, the Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan, which humanely, i.e., non-FEMA directed military enforcement, resolves homelessness culture, and its “mainstream” societal causes…code word, EXODUS, based on the Biblical narrative of The Exodus to The Promised Land.

To our knowledge, this is the only national plan in the country that neither, social services entities, individual(s), or any branch and department of our federal government, including the little known, but all powerful, White House, United States Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH).  See: | or for USICH:

Essentially, the USICH, of which the Justiceville White House Negotiating A-Team worked with weekly from late September to December 2019, is simply another talking no substance, rearrangement of federal government departments bureaucracy, as homelessness drastically increases numbers and complexities.

It won’t admit it, but since our negotiations with the USICH, the administrators have now adopted some of the Justiceville language, particularly the use of the word, “strategic”.

Nonetheless, interestingly, the White House agency has put out the cry for “strategic” plans, of which we present to you the most advanced, comprehensive (considering the well-being of housed citizens as well), deeply thought through plan anywhere in the nation.


We are summoning you to work with us to present our EXODUS to the USICH.  Will you do that with us?

In 1985, 37 year ago, long before homelessness culture devolved into the region-wide “menace” that it is today, whereby political candidates shied away from openly addressing for fear that is was un-resolivable, and not yet severely effecting potential voters neighborhoods, Justiceville prophetically pronounced three (3) major matters:

  1. Homelessness culture is the direct result of the super stresses of “mainstream” society, thereby being an indictment against it. In fact, 27 years ago, the Hon. Congressional Member, as State Assemblywoman, Ms. Maxine Waters, said of the matter,

“Homelessness is the ultimate statement of what’s gone wrong within society’

  1. Only by US Presidential intervention, i.e., Executive Order, can it be resolved;
  2. If not implemented, it will explode out of Skid Row into local neighborhoods throughout LA and the Ninth Circuit District
  3. Being the easy and quickest way, government will wait until it becomes such a public health and safety threat, that to their unsuspecting delight, local neighborhood residents will welcome the military option, as it will return to them their parks, beaches, libraries, retail store fronts, relieve law enforcement, along with no disturbing mentally ill sighting and anti-social behavior scenarios, i.e., no more filth generating encampments.Such action will be para mount to cutting the rotten part from the good portion of a vegetable or fruit, i.e,  apple; or, cutting out a cancer from the body, that the whole may live.

Being the now among the ranks of the true leaders in humane, homelessness culture resolution, it’s imperative that you immediately begin to know and understand the true nature of severity of this matter, which is no longer about “helping the homeless get off the streets”.
That charity ship long left the harbor.

Rather, it’s now about saving this Union, to Keep our Republic from stumbling into an American form of socialistic Nazism, whereby once unleashed on US citizens homeless persons, and those who are Veterans of military, the fascist, Nazi “dog” will naturally thirst for a higher quality of blood, namely human beings of the “mainstream” society.












  1. The Imperative that a functional, We the People body politic a comprehensive, strategic, national policy and plan which humanely, non-FEMA military enforced, humane resolution to homelessness culture and its “mainstream” societal causes
  2. It is of NECESSITY, and No Mysterious Wonder, but is indeed plain, that circa over 95% of the US citizen, homeless persons who are capable of maintaining a “9-5” job, reject them.

e also refuses serious, social service rehabilitation programs.  At best, they will utilize them as temporary measures simply as a place to clean up for a while, only to return back into “streets”, where all their like mined friends, and daily excitement is, even though often times dangerous.


Knowing that true escape from homelessness cultures into the societal mainstream, essentially, these adapted folks are “gaming” the homelessness industrial complex (HIC), even as the social services are doing the same to unsuspecting tax-payers, by giving ill advice to our government employees, elected and appointed.

These who have been forced out of society which is overpopulated with substance-craving, money-driven people, who think that material possessions is “…the pursuit of happiness (property), and therefore addicted to multibillion dollars industrial complexes of alcoholic beverages; illicit narcotic street drugs, as well as physician and psychiatric prescribed medicines; including that psychotherapy, etc., etc.


turbulent “currents” of mainstream society

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