Let. #36 To Mr. Olivet: “Dec. 2nd Zoom Preparation”

Sat, Nov 26 at 8:14 PM, To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider,Tanya Mathis,Beverley Ebersold

Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
(Also, cc’d full staff, especially to see the docu-movie)

As we approach and prepare our zoom session this Friday, the 2nd. at 3:00 pm PCT, would you please view this, ten years in the making, docu-movie entitled, “Heal America”, featuring my philosophies and works over the decades.  https://vimeo.com/771438776 Password: HealAmerica23

Essentially, it shows a side of myself that very few folks know about which you will find rather interesting and hopefully beneficial to USICH, et al.

Concerning the zoom session, please see attached the two basic phase topics.

Also, I viewed the USICH’s new policy “Collaborate. Don’t Criminalize”

Mayors and other local officials are under pressure to do something, anything. With severe shortages of affordable housing, funding that is insufficient to meet the need, and a pandemic that has stretched already strained systems, many communities are understandably struggling with how to address homelessness. But blaming, criminalizing, and moving people from streets to jails does not solve homelessness or fix the systems that created it.

Most states (48) now outlaw daily survival activities, such as sleeping, eating, sitting, or living in their car. In the last 15 years, there has been a 50% rise in so-called camping bans that make it illegal for certain people to sleep in public spaces; nearly three-fourths (72%) of cities now have such a ban, and these laws are becoming tougher.

As stated in previous note to USICH concerning this matter dated August 3,2022, https://domesticpeacecorps.org/town/ it was revealed how the Trump USICH staff, including both Mr. Robert Marbut, Jr., Ex.-Dir. and HUD-Domestic Policy staffer, Mr. Benjamin Hobbs, responded with vehement denial that the White House had no such policy, when I mentioned to them the growing sentiment throughout the country, that perhaps its time for the National Guard to enforce relocation.

The rise in “criminalization”, demonstrates that there is indeed a growing sentiment for the military option, giving more reason for us to work together to prevent this portending, tragic travesty.

Therefore, White House and Justiceville are in tune with each other a one body politic as dreamed by our founding fathers in The Preamble.
Thanks and The Most High’s blessings upon us all in this matter,
Ted Hayes

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