WH Let 20: A-Team To “Re: July 20th Zoom – following up”

Fri, Aug 5 at 11:15 AM Ted Hayes <ted@tedhayes.us> To:Helene Schneider | Cc:Jeff Olivet,Tanya Mathis | Bcc:Wayne Fishback,Ted Hayes,Sharyl Beebe,Maytal Abishoor,Shai Abishoor
Hey Ms. Schneider, Shalom!

Just a short note to say on behalf of the A-Team, thank you kindly for your thorough response to our questions concerning the July 20th zoom session.

Unlike so many other responses in print that folks like us receive from certain government employees, i.e., elected and staffs, yours was exactly what we asked for, and is therefore a tremendous help in going forward with our mutual plans and strategies to dovetail with that of the POTUS via USICH.

The Team and me are now pondering and will get back to you very shortly with our adjustments.

Finally, it is such an encouraging joy of justice that we all agree with your statement of “The more we all work together towards a common goal and process, the better the outcomes.”
Blessing dear sister, and we are looking forward to a great, long lasting, warm, or should I say “hot”, Union Saving, Republic Keeping, fun filled, working relationship together.
The Most High Blessings upon you and all at the White House USICH.
Ted Hayes
On Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 11:20:05 AM PDT, Helene Schneider <helene.schneider@usich.gov> wrote:

Hello Mr. Hayes –

Thank you for sending the additional information after our group call a couple of weeks ago. I am also including Wayne Fishback to this email as he has also forwarded some additional information to us.

Since our call on July 20th, I did brief USICH Executive Director Jeff Olivet, and he is aware of your comments and vision. I’m sure you have also seen the additional communications from USICH with a Resource Roundup for Addressing Encampments. Here is the link for easy access. I believe much of your concerns and comments are reflected in these documents.

We also talked about USICH’s upcoming Federal Strategic Plan, due out in late September, and the foundational principal around racial equity. We know that homelessness is a structural failure, not a personal one, and that much is rooted in long-standing discriminatory regulations and practices that have disproportionately affected Black people and other BIPOC communities.

As we release and roll out the new federal strategic plan, we also will engage with community leaders on how to address these issues with constructive solutions related to housing and services, crisis response and on prevention strategies. I understand from our communications that these are high priorities for you as well, and we appreciate that alignment. Our plan implementation will include engaging with our 19 federal agencies, including ones I know of interest to you such as the Department of Justice. We will also continue to release additional tools and resources related to the fundamental principles of the federal strategic plan as we hear more about best practices around the nation, and how to address the communal challenges we all face together.

In terms of the “Exodus” vision you and your colleagues are proposing, it is a bold one indeed to eliminate all unsheltered homelessness by Opening Day of the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. I know many local stakeholders at the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, LAHSA, and multiple service providers share your vision of significantly reducing unsheltered homelessness throughout the region, though perhaps not quite as specific as your proposal suggests. The more we all work together towards a common goal and process, the better the outcomes.

In response to your specific requests about the Exodus proposal, as you know, while USICH plays an important role collaborating with our federal partners and providing expertise and education on the issues before us, we cannot lobby them, Congress or the White House on new specific legislation or any budgetary items. Part of your proposal includes both budgetary and new regulatory parameters, such as the use of underutilized military facilities for shelter and housing with services. To that end, I recommend connecting with your Congressional delegation on those specifics. Certainly, should there be new regulations proposed or implemented, USICH will be available to provide feedback and implementation tools and resources as needed.

Mr. Hayes, we hear you and acknowledge your passion and ideas, as of those of your colleagues. I’m sure you will see that much of what we discussed during our call, and what we’ve read from additional correspondence from you all since then, will be addressed. Moving forward, I will look to see how your coalition is building and would be interested to hear more about how your vision and work can connect with other local stakeholders as we all focus on the end goal of ending homelessness in Los Angeles and indeed the nation.

Thank you.

  • Helene

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