WH Let 1: Seeking Conversation With Mr. Jeff Olivet!

Ted Hayes <ted@tedhayes.us> To:Rexanah Wyse,Tanya Mathis
Sat, May 21 at 12:05 AM
“What we do not say often enough or loudly enough is that racism and homelessness are inextricably linked.
Yes, racism. It is time to speak truth. It is time to call it what it is,”

(Jeff Olivet, Ex. Dir. “Czar Homeless” USICH)

Hey Ms. Rexanna Wyse and Tanya Mathis, Shalom!

This is Ted Hayes, Civil Rights Homelessness Resolution activist based in Los Angeles, CA.,

Hopefully, you remember me and my Justiceville A-Team from the days of the Trump Administration from late September to December 2019.
It certainly is great to be back in touch with you again, with the hopes that given what we’ve learned of Mr. Jeffe Olivets policy concerning the destructive effects of “systemic racism” of American African, US black citizens, which is in direct line with that of Justiceville, citing it 37 years ago from the sidewalks of LA’s Skid Row.
At present, we are building a functioning, We the People body politic here in LA, which is consistent with the ever so correct and timely recognized policy of Mr. Olivet, that matter of “systemic racism”, is the primary cause for the overwhelming disproportionate numbers and complexities of black citizens in homelessness, and must be prioritized that subsequently all homeless citizens, regardless of their respective, ethno-racial identities, et al, will greatly benefit as well.
Given that there is a certain encampment emergency matter here in Venice Beach, Southern California, it is with the utmost urgency that you will immediately arrange for us to speak with Mr. Olivet about our mutual understanding, as well as the Strategic Plans to successfully address it.
In a following email, I will better explain the Venice Beach matter, because it is important for USICH to be aware of it, because how it is resolved could significantly model a new national policy on how to deal with encampment culture homelessness, including that of RV-villes, and the myriad of lone, “soul-journdeying”, mentally challenged.
As the two of you know me little, and my frustration with the individuals of the past Administration on this matter, as they summarily rejected its premises right out, therefore, would you please email or call me ASAP, to arrange an initiating converstion with Mr. Olivet, or designate a qualified staff member(s), either by phone or zoomer.
All of this is especially important, as we are now excelling into perhaps, a very long and poverty-causing, homelessness recession, due to the sudden “super sizing” inflation rate, etc.
Before and then after the heavy COVID matter, homelessness resolution was already difficult and challenging enough, but now with this sudden fast rising of inflation, most American are totally unaware of the society devastating “tsunami” waves. i.e., numbers of peoples with myriad of psychological – emotional derangement, resulting from their traumatic, falling like rain into the vortexes of homelessness culture, on top of what is presently, and hopelessly, unresolved.
Speaking of systemic racism, as you know, metaphorically speaking, When the “white man” catches a cold, the “black man” gets pneumonia, and when the “white man” gets pneumonia, the “black man dies”; and when “white” people has economic recession, “black” people’s experience is economic depression.
Evidently, when the river of economic “waters” rise, all “boats”, i.e., the economies of Americans of willing immigration heritage, are equally and equitably lifted upwards to liberties; except that of American Africans of unwilling, generations-destroying, chattel slavery, whose “boat”, statistical researches reveals, that they/we instead sink further downwards into re-enslaving “mud” at the bottom of society, as manifested by homelessness in America, etc..
Historical research reveals that we were already reeling from the first homelessness explosion of the early, apparently caused by the mid-1980’s Recession under the Reagan Administration, and on into that of succeeding ones for nearly a 40 years generation, of steady growth without significant abatement, to what is today with the absolute, gross loss of billions of dollars to social services which initially ill advised government on how to resolve it.

Of those 40 years, I have most uniquely voluntarily given 37 years of my precious life to this matter proclaiming that,

  1.  Systemic racism was, and remains the primary cause of black homelessness disproportion and complexities far different from others;

2.  Only by Presidential Executive Orders(s) can homelessness culture be humanely, that is non-FEMA directed, military enforcement, resolved;

Note: Among many other admonishments, over those 37 years, record will show that I/Justicefille has to this day, tenaciously and correctly forewarned, that there is a strong probability, that government would forestall until homelessness becomes such a huge public health and safety matter, even as it is now,
…that neighborhood and retail business residents, including property owners, throughout Los Angeles, and our Republic will begin to entertain the morally and legally forbidden sentiment of perhaps, requesting the aide of FEMA, which can only bring the military, i.e., federalized national guard unites of each effected state.

The military is only government entity with the personnel, equipment and resources to systematically, and rapidly, relocate the homelessness populations from the urban centers neighborhoods, out onto government, i.e., federal lands, perhaps decommissioned military bases turned into “public health and safety” facilities indefinitely, as they can again attain the extreme high cost of living in the “mainstream” society, therefore, never return to be a “nuisance” in the “streets”.

After a generation past

We now know the following:
A.  After billions of spent dollars the social service network has failed
B.   Law enforcement, municipal, county and state can’t either, nor should be empowered to do so.

C.    The present encampments, RV’s, etc., matter is public health (sanitation) and safety, psychologically, emotionally, economically and world watching-wise, is unsustainable and must be immediately rectified.

3.     There remains only two viable options which are either:

A.    The Justiceville, Comprehensive (meaning considering the housed residents, etc.), Strategic, National Policy and Plan that humanely, (non-FEMA directed military enforcement) resolves homelessness culture and its’ “mainstream” causes.

B.    The White House, USICH dispatched, FEMA directed, federalizes States National Guard units to “do the job.”

So therefore, as you and I discussed these things before, and now with matters even more intense, would you please help me to speak and work with Mr. Olivet that we might together work to prevent the impending disaster.

Thanks kindly for considering and looking forward to hearing from you soon, as I want to send Mr. Olivet our particular take on a humane, strategic policies and plans.
May GOD bless us all to resolve this unsuspected, and growing national security matter.

Ted Hayes

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