White House Separate Relationship II


Justified Cause For Separate Relationship With White House, Under Special, Direct POTUS Jurisdiction
As The 1866 Civil Rights Act Dictates To Eliminate Systemic Racism

Greetings Team, Shalom!
Going forward, it’s imperative that we know, understand and embrace into action, the necessity for Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team (WHNAT) to be kept separate from other NGO’s projects, i.e.,

The Justiceville Objective is not that of the traditional, social services outreach entities obsessed with the development of expensive shelters-affordable housings, and other such programmatic concepts to “help the homeless”, etc., but rather the breaking of its cycles by first and foremost addressing the societal maladies that causes homelessness, both visible and invisible.

Essentially, there must be a policy change of “re-imagining” homelessness, its causes and realistic resolutions.

Such an Objective can be attained only by special, Presidential Executive Order(s), which is the action that Justiceville has been and is continuing to advocate for

Three (3) Primary Reasons Supporting The Necessity For Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team To Experience A Segregated or Separate Exclusively From The Traditional Social Services Entities Relationship

  1. Not Requiring Taxpayer’s MoneyThe
    Unlike the NGO’s whom seek federal funding, thereby forced to comply with the old, traditional, failed systems of the lucrative (IHIC), A-Team does not require, nor seek it, opting to exploring and seeking private investment.

Actually, while not desirous to eliminate such social services, EXODUS II: LA 2028 reduces the need for massive amounts of social services programs, because homelessness culture will be resolved by July 14th OPENING DAY of the 2028 LA Summer Olympics.

Note: Not being eliminates, social services are to readjust or re-configure themselves into EXODUS II: LA 2028

  1. “Systemic Racism”
    Based on the newly adopted, USICH-White House and LAHSA policy around the matters of “systemic racism against black citizens”, demands/dictates that a highly special, “out of the box” of traditional systems, tactics must be employed to address their state of homelessness culture

Note: “out of the box”, i.e., avoiding the traditional systems of seeking federal funding that forces and locks receiving NGO’s into maintaining the clearly “destructive” policies, regulations and practices, which has resulted in 37 years of worsening homelessness conditions, and a tragic, astronomical waste of billions of dollars to the social services, which incidentally has ill advised our government Servants to fund them.

Note: A-Team is well within its rightful duties to sanely reject the “system of racism”, to not participate within the same practices that causes and maintains black homelessness.

Note: Being that the same government department that has overseen the failed homelessness systems, who now professes “systemic racism”, is now disqualified to both formulate the remedies to rectify it, and would be racist itself should it deny EXODUS II:2028, and demand that is come under same failed systems.

  1. Non Immigration Heritage of American African, Federal, Black Citizens
    Though similar in appearance, sometimes what’s “good for the goose, is not good for the gander”, as in this case, are of the two (2) most divergent, historical legacies and inheritances of the “American Dream” experiences.
    American citizens of willing immigration inheritance and heritages chose to risk embracing what they imagined was/is or going to become the “American Dream” for themselves and their descendant children, whether successful meaning progressive, or failure, that is regressive devastation.

    Their inheritance which is rooted in the heritage of willingly choosing to succeed or fail, disqualifies and eliminates any moral cause for them to complain, even in the pains of poverty and homelessness. They are of the heritage which chose to the route of their fate!

    Whereas, the heritage and subsequent inheritance of black citizens and their descendants is not of choosing their fate, but of one forced upon their ancestors who were brought unwillingly to the Americas, naked, bound and chained in shackles.

    All of America’s homeless citizens (except the Indigenous Peoples) are of willing immigration heritage and inheritance, as is also the NGO’ designers of homelessness outreach programs, therefore, they naturally address it from that perspectives, mindsets of values, priorities, time frames, etc., thereby being insensitive to those who are not, i.e., American Africans, of that which is chattel slavery, and subsequent Jim Crowism.

    These old, antiquated, failed systems of polices, regulations and mandated practices for federal funds, etc., are both non-beneficial and highly destructive to the advancement of black citizens, unwillingly entrapped with the American Dream quest.

    Therefore, to operate homelessness outreach systems which proven to be harmful to federal, black citizens, and any rejection of a separate from social services entities, daily, direct working relationship with USICH, is in and of itself racist, hence, the continuation of “systemic of racism.”

Note: This matter is particularly poignant when a comprehensive, strategic plan systemic racism was/is specifically tailored for the mutual benefit of both black and white citizens, and as in the case of “Ted Hayes”, a generally, outside of government, respected black man who for the last 37 years of tenaciously presenting Justicville Ideals, has been rejected.

For Los Angeles, this rejection is clears the works of systemic racism, ironically, and mysteriously, at the blessings of African-American leadership, both in the private and public sectors.  (See historical record)

USICH and LASHA, et al, must heed its own policy
Lest it is demonstrated to be double racist, in that, while denouncing “systemic racism”, USICH-White House – LAHSA, are practicing it by continuing the same general failed programs, and blatantly denies black citizens their exclusive rights of having final say in their ultimate destiny, according to following sacred, legal, Union Saving documents:

  1. Emancipation Proclamation,
    “…the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress …such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom”

    EXODUS II: 2028 is devised by a male, federal, black citizens, supported by females of such citizenship in elected government positions, a another, serving as LA Chief of Police Department.  This is the will of the strongest and only federal, black citizens body politic in the nation, and deserves to be heeded.

  2. Declaration of Independence,
    As black citizens of the exclusive, federal “super” citizenship status, “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”  At this point, to deny our requested expectations of the Presidency, is racist!It would treacherously deny what is proclaimed of us “negro” citizens in “I Have A Dream” of prophet MLK…

    “But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.  We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

    “And so we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”

    In other words, please Mr. US President of the “Bank of Justice”, don’t tell us that you are unable or won’t “cash” the Promissory Note to black citizens, that “purchases” the Ideals of EXODUS II: 2028, i.e., riches of freedom and the security of justice.”

    The White House can’t afford to reject the wishes of the greatest, civilian, patriotic, citizens in all of US history in this matter of “freedom and security of justice” via the Justiceville, EXODUS II: LA 2028.

  1. 1866 Civil Rights Act, Sections 1, 2, and particularly that of Presidential duties of 4, 8, 9 to protect the advancement of the Law Subject Beneficiaries, even as demanded, if necessary, of the US military…Section 5 and 9.

Note: Understandably, being not of willing immigration inheritance, a Presidential Executive Ordered mandate is highly, special treatment not afforded to any other US citizen group

This incredible, prioritized, even privileged, entitled, vindicating, inheritance of the new White House USICH policy concerning “systemic racism” against black citizens is actually the crux of the matter concerning the near fate of the Republic, as to whether We the People can Keep It or not, thereby Saving the Union.

Our advocacy has the best opportunity in US history to generate a movement of black/white healing and reconciliation between them from the near fatal “racial wound” to our nation, ironically by humanely resolving the matter of homelessness.

In today’s America’s, systemic racism is constructed on the foundational practices of many successive generations’ unconscious acceptance as a legitimate, even GOD ordained, the institutionalized ownership and marketing human beings.

Black citizens are of four (4) forms of slavery trade inheritance which is the foundation of institutionalized, “invisible” systems of racism against them/us.

  1. Traditional African in its various forms including that of Arab/Muslim
  2. Transatlantic of 30 plus days ocean travel
  3. British American general slavery 1619 – 1640’s
  4. Chattel 1640’s to 1865

Note: The psyche of American Africans, US black citizens, essentially is one framed by the accumulated generations enslavement, they being the traditional, ancient, African Slave Trade; and European created Transatlantic into that of the 344  years of chronologically combined, British-USA chattel slavery and Jim Crowism.

Already impressed upon by eons of generational lineage descent of the inheritance of African slavery tradition, of the 403 years of their/our existence in North America, they/we have been “legal” free from documented enslavement only 58 years, including Jim Crowism, another, but clever form of chattel, therefore, is the “mysterious” behavior that witnessed in the journey that no other peoples in world history is experiencing.

Two hundred and forty-five (245) years of the combined 2 institutionalized slavery systems, and that of chattel, as though inscribed upon the walls of DNA, is ingrained into our over four, succeeding generations, ending with the1865 close of the US Civil War over the matter, with another overlapping 99 years (2 ½ generations) of subsequent, generational devastation.

Note: While the immigration heritage Americans have some very harsh trials and difficulties chasing the Dream, they unwittingly know, therefore can’t appreciate their freedom that was/is built on the backs of today’s black citizens’ chattel enslaved ancestors.

Note: most Americans are unaware of these underlying factors and dynamics that has, and is dictating our present behavioral patterns and systems including “systemic racism” by both unsuspecting victims and don’t know why.

  1. Down through the successive, overlapping generations of accepted policies and practices/habits, naturally has engenders “the system” that the White House now correctly identifies as racist against American Africans.
  2. Overlapping those 245 years of chattel slavery, is immediately upon its ending, the systems of Jim Crowism ravaged the already suffering of the new black citizens for another 99 years (1865-1964), i.e., over 2 ½ generations, thereby rendering two intertwined or interlocked, continuing generations-destroying “hammer blows” of systems causing practices or habits.

    Note: Based on these unabated devastation, the designers of homelessness recovery programs have erroneously assumed that, “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”, even though they look very similar.Therefore, one persons’ medicine for their ailments, is poison to someone else of a different malady.Like no other legal document, The Surprising Dynamics and Factors of the “game changing” once “hidden”,
    Official, 2008 US Congressional Resolution HR #194 (Simple) Apologizing For Slavery and Jim Crowism, which clearly supports the Justiceville assertion saying,
    “Whereas the system of slavery and the visceral racism against persons of African descent upon which it depended became entrenched in the Nation’s social fabric;
    Whereas slavery was not officially abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 after the end of the
    Civil War, which was fought over the slavery issue;
    Whereas after emancipation from 246 years of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction eviscerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of life;
    Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as `Jim Crow,’ which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans, was a direct result of the racism against persons of African descent engendered by slavery;
    Whereas the system of Jim Crow laws officially existed into the 1960’s–a century after the official end of slavery in America–until Congress took action to end it, but the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day;Whereas African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow–long after both systems were formally abolished.”

Therefore, requested and expectation of the A-Team is justified, which is develop with USICH a separate, but equal relationship with the White House that the social services have previously had, but are now disqualified for strategic discussions due their proven failure, especially as it relates to homeless, federal, black citizens.

This relationship properly places EXODUS II: 2028 under the direct auspices and jurisdiction of the POTUS, as ordered by the uniquely exclusive, “super” Citizenship status of black citizens, according to the 1866 Civil Rights Act

White House compliance with The Order, will empower its Subject Beneficiaries to have their own devised measures by which government is to ensure “their actual freedom”, which has been, bu must no longer be morally as well as federal Constitution legally denied.

In other words, should USICH decline to comply with this clearly expressed and timely declared, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, and 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act expectation of federal, black citizens, conceived and led endeavor, is patently, covertly white supremacy racism at its worse, while yet is insisting upon maintaining the systems that it rightly condemns.

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