White House USICH Separate Relationship I


Re: Segregated Relationship With White House USICH

Hey Team, Shalom!

In personal debriefing, along with what I gathered from my individual conversation with each of you, we had a generally accepted, successful zoomer with USICH, the next strategic steps are opening to us.

Below is what I view of what we are potentially looking at as well as some the risks involved.
According to the “systemic racism” policy, we are deserving of attention from the White House, therefore, need unique, separate and daily working relationship with USICH in which we are:

  • within our Constitutional Rights, particularly that of the 1866 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of federal, “super” citizenship status of black citizens, according to Section 1 of the Act.
  • dutifully bound to execute our Preamble responsibilities to enforce our public Servant employees to implement our wills, by “altering” or “to abolish” impeding, any form (department of government that becomes destructive.

Dissecting Declaring of Independence, The Law of the USA

  • “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
  1. “whenever any form government (departments) becomes destructive” to the GOD endowed, inalienable rights and protections of US citizens…Note: This destruction is evident by the billions of tax dollars wasted on homelessness which has make it worse, due to our misinformed government Servants allocating exorbitant amounts of funds to the (IHIC) social services which ill-advised them.

The USICH form (department) of government is evidentially “destructive”

  1. Therefore, “it is the right of the people” – if a compelling justification is presented, We the People have the right…Note: This corresponds with a later section of the law stating that even stronger more than “the right”, rather, “…it is their duty”
  2. “to alter or to abolish it” – meaning not shuttering the USICH department, but rather “altering” – changing its policies and/or regulation which prevents A-Team from experiencing their constitutionally moral duty and right to a good, daily, mutually beneficial, working relationship between it, being exclusively separate-segregated from any social services category…as EXODUS II: LA 2028 is not such.Note: Though the ultimate objectives of social and that of EXODUS II: LA 2028, are presently diametrically opposite, however, they are not opponents, but at the proper phases, will of necessity become integrated into this adopted Plan of the POTUS.
  3. “to institute new government” – USICH continues its traditional relationship with the social services, while opening and developing a rightly deserving relationship with A-Team, thereby instituting in the White House, a new, non-traditional, “out of the box” department (government).
  4. “laying its foundation” – the new foundation laying is based on the Government Resolutions and JSAP, etc., plus the 37 years learned experience of Justiceville.
  5. “on such principles” – according to the EXODUS II: LA 2028 instructions
  6. “organizing its powers” – working together with USICH, develop the authorities by which this new form of government functions, and the length of its endurance
  7. “in such form” – department…
  8. “as to them shall seem most likely” – though yet untried, being “new form of department, We the People by right, compelled by patriotic duty to for the USICH to implement what we, the concerned and disaffected seem best…
  9. “to effect their safety and happiness.” – referring to the aforementioned “inalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (property)”, which as evidenced by the worsening of homelessness culture, certain government departments have indeed “become destructive” to them.Such evidences screamingly warrants as well as demands the visionary hope and work of EXODUS II: LA 2028.

Note: “property” – federal surplus land, plus

Note: “effect their safety and happiness” – especially for black citizens, the victims of systemic racism, the foundation to The Act of their/our special, federal citizenship status, comes from the Emancipation Proclamation, the Presidential Executive Order that ultimately freed the chattel slaves, saying in the Sentence 2, B,

“…all persons held as slaves…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

Also, prophet MLK
“We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

  • “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces (reveals the presence and quality of being) a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
  1. “a long train of abuses and usurpation” – 37 plus years of such mistreatment, plus those 344 years of enslaving, racist systems against American Africans in two, successive, devastating, “double hammer blows”, including the recent 37 years plus, of the failed billions of taxpayer’s dollars of abuses and usurpation.
  2. “a design to reduce them under absolute despotism” – the worsening of homelessness culture “evinces” that the policy designs and practices of the many decades of the USICH form of government (department) has and continues to reduce American citizens, both homeless and housed, into marketed slave of despotic totalitarianism.Such is another reasonable cause for the EXODUS II: LA 2028’s respectful rejection of taxpayers’ dollars.
  3. “is their right, it is their duty” – this refers to the Preamble’s order to We the People to see and experience citizenship as a gift to eagerly exercise their dutiful, “in order to”, responsibility to help effectuate our continuing 1776 Revolution into that American Dream perfection.
  4. “to throw off such government” – this refers back to “to alter or to abolish it”, hence, change, i.e., “throw off” the USICH policy which is solely centered orchestrating via the respective Council Members of the pertinent, related departments for allocating taxpayer’s dollars, to failed social services.
  5. “provide new guards” – new ideals and departments, i.e., “changing of the guard” to devise measures transforming homelessness culture into an element protects and safeguards our Republic, by the perfection of the Union, etc.
  6. “future security” – protection from the coming of tsunami of new homelessness causing, “hurricane” economy recession, due to stagnating inflation

Based on our moral and legal grounds, we have a dutiful right to help Save the Union and Keep our Republic.

Topics of Interest

  1. The “systemic racism” matter
  2. We are not a social service provider, etc.
  3. Not desirous of taking taxpayers funds, having our means to avoid them from further heady taxation without proper representation of their wills. Politely turning down its offer.

Note: The offer us to participate with all the other scrambling, competing for federal dollars frenzied, politically oriented, homeless industrial complex (IHIC) social service providers, thereby locking up the movement towards ending homelessness by 2028.

  1. This is why I made it clear that as we are not asking for taxpayers’ money, our business is not in the lanes of operation along with the providers, contractors, etc., therefore, at this time, there is no need to communicate with them, bypassing related “red tape”, creation-hindering regulations.Note: our body politic is designed exist to removes impediments to proper acceptance as well as the creation of new, advance ideas, away from the old traditional policies, practices, and morays of the inadequate (IHIC)

This initial, first step “frontline” aspect ensures the development of the creative, programmatic concepts of EXODUS II: 2028.


  1. The White House USICH policy of “system racism” justifies our position.
  2. Unique American historical heritages Of chattel slavery
  3. Past generational systems of suppression – (See Official 2008 Congressional Apology Resolution HR #194 (Simple) For Slavery and Jim Crowism
  4. Therefore, the homelessness matter for black citizens is understandable based on systemic racism, which is the uniquely different American experiences, success and failure, one of willing immigration heritage, while the other of the chattel slavery.

What is good medicine for the homeless of willing immigration, even the non-American Africans, so called “peoples of color”, is not good for black citizens, and likewise.

  1. The triaging policy of USICH recognizes that black citizens have been historically victims of systemic and even cultural racist values of society.
  2. Hence, as in medicine, the remedying treatment for black citizens homelessness, must of necessity be segregated from all others, not due to skin color, etc., but rather, their unique, American experience in this Republican form of government

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