Let #53 Olivet: “The 35 Years Mistaken Policy That Homelessness Is A One-Dimensional Challenge, i.e., “Housing First” Into the “Mainstream”

Sun, Jan. 15 at 10:05 pm Let #53 To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider,Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis

Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
It is becoming more evident, especially given the time frames of the 2028 LA Olympics, preceded by the 2026 LA World Cup, that drastic measures are privately or classified being prepared to resolve the homelessness crisis before the prying eyes of the global international communities will begin to taking scrutinizing notice of how the USA will address it.

Presently, given the organic, national rise of local governments legislating homeless persons as public health and safety “outlaw” criminals, thereby subject to imminent arrest, it appears that there is a growing, and dangerous sentiment by understandable, frustrated stakeholders, i.e., neighborhood residents to welcome military enforcement operations.

This in the light of what occurred during the 1984 Olympics; the August 1987 Papal visit of John Paul II; and 2021 Super Championship(s) games; and most recently, the inauguration of the Hon. Karen Bass as LA Mayor, wherein in each incident, homeless, US citizens were forced relocated, i.e., “leaf blown” away, only to return.

However, this time, there will no “leaf blowing” operations, but rather, carefully orchestrated, military enforced, relocation of the homeless into internment-concentration camps indefinitely, because the high cost of “mainstream” lifestyle forbids their return.

After 35 years of annually witnessing the constant inability of USICH to resolve homelessness, it appears that military enforced relocation option is actually developing into reality.

Therefore, it’s necessary for the sake of helping to prevent this Union Republic’s total demise, that I/we, site the reality that USICH “house first” policy is an ignorant, ill-informed by the social service activists, a one-dimensional approach that is doomed to failure as predicted.

In fact, housing is totally an impractical ventures, especially given the reality of the 5,000,000 plus, Foreign Nationals, who are scattered homeless thought our country, 98% of whom there is not documentation nor locales.

Also, the tragic reality that USICH can house only 25% of America’s domestic homeless, while 75% are “left behind”, it is total impossible to house the ever growing masses of Foreign Nationals entrapped in American homelessness.

Hopefully, USICH and DPC will finally come to realize very soon the folly of “housing first”, and admit that homelessness in not one-dimensional, but rather, as all else, three (3), which the physical, cultural-emotional, spiritual quest for freedom, regardless of material conditions and situations.  See “Mainstream Resistance” at https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mstr/

In doing so, the White House will finally grant the expectations of Justiceville’s Negotiating A-Team.

Just a short note for you and staffs to ponder,

We continue to beseech The Most High for the blessing to humanely resolve and societally caused malady, and by military enforced, permanent relocation,

Thanks for considering,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II

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