Let #40, Mr. Olivet: The Law

Wed, Dec 7 at 11:54 an, To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider,Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis
Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!

Going forward, of which we can’t, until this matter is fully and securely resolved, even by law.

All else that we honestly say and do about homelessness resolution is a mute factor, null and void until such security for our nationhood is secure.

Expectations of the POTUS Concerning the Trump proposed military enforced relocation of homeless

For the sake of Saving the Union and Keeping Our Republic, as American African, US black citizens of the only and exclusive, federal, “super” citizenship status, it’s our reasonable, Preamble ordered duty to expect the POTUS to earnestly comply with our EXPECTATIONS in this national security threat matter.

The July 26,2022 Trump Military Enforced Relocation Option
In several previous letters to USICH, and directly to the Hon. President Joe R. Biden, we requested the White House’s official position and/or stance on the July 26,2022 Trump proposal.

We were relieved to hear that the Biden Administration has no such policy that supports, but rather denounces the Trump proposal, and indeed, there aren’t any such future plans to militarily enforce homeless persons into “internment/concentration camps”.  Right?!?

However, as policies are fluid and fickle, especially verbal, or non-written, tend to change with situational circumstances, and/or government personnel, we humbly request and expect that the appropriate office holders produce such documents, including the dates when they were adopted.

Also, when will the White House policy publicly repudiate the Trump Proposal, and what measures are being taking to avoid such a nation-destroying action any governmental body?

Surely, the Hon. Secretary of HUD – USICH Chairperson, Ms. Marsha Fudge, and the Hon. Susan Rice, Director of Office of Domestic Policy Council would have such documentation available that we may review them!

If such documentation is non-existent, but only in some nebulous, shifting verbal form, why is it that?  Will this be immediately addressed and corrected?

Even if such does exist, without legislation, the policy is still too fluid to risk the fate of our Union Republic, therefore, we expect it to be legalized with the following actions led by the POTUS.

The LAW:
Ensures and guarantee no military enforced relocation of homeless US citizens, particularly those who are black, American Africans, as such is a direct threat to national security, essentially amounting to INSURRECTION.

This is Based on the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, Section 2, 5, 9, and 1, and Emancipation Sentence 2, B


Procedure A Presidential Executive Order(s)
Forbid the federalization of State National Guards by POTUS, or the deployment of such by State Governors to forcibly relocate US homeless citizens into what essentially will be permanent internment or concentration camps.

Procedure B Congressional Legislation
The Presidential Order(s) sent by POTUS to Capitol Hill as bill for Congressional Legislation, thereby empowering it double and permanently

Procedure C US Supreme Court Assurance

Supportive action from US Supreme Court according to Section 10 of The Act

It’s imperative that this matter be immediately resolved, and not wait for the USICH end of the year “roll out” its plan dealing with the traditional money allocating-oriented practices for social services programs, as afore stated, we have no interest in that aspect.

Besides, if the military option is still “on the table”, whatever the roll out”, it is useless.

All plans, including EXODUS II, Phase 2 are null, void, vain, and even deceptive to NGO’s as well as all the American peoples, as long as the military option remains unopposed and adjudicated as unlawful.

Therefore, as this matter is beyond USICH jurisdictional ranges, you are then expected to move this matter to your superiors for direction, and/or arrange our discussions with them, which the latter is much preferred.

Hopefully, you will rapidly comply with our expectations according to Sentence 2, B of the Emancipation Proclamation wherein it’s made clear that whether the Executive Government or the military agrees or not with us, is irrelevant, because it’s about their/our bequeathed inheritance to determine our own destiny.

“such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

For any further verbal discussions on this specific matter, we are here to do just that.

Long forward to hearing from you very soon.

Thanks kindly and we together beseech The Most High for HIS blessings upon us all in this matter,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II

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