Let. #41 Mr. Olivet: The Great Collaboration

Sun, Dec 11 at 1:53 pm To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider,Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis

The Great Collaboration “Collaborate, Don’t Criminalize: How Communities Can Effectively and Humanely Address Homelessness”

Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
The Justicevile A-Team, fully concur with and is glad for the USICH theme of collaboration with the various and myriad communities concerned with homelessness resolution, as a strategy to assist in meeting its 1987 Congressionally legislated mission.

As a certain and special segment of said communities, we hope that the theme is sincere, and not just another “cool” term that merely stimulates discussions.

Also, we hope that it’s not the “USICH way or the highway” form of collaboration, or simply another attractive theme, like the previous failed and/or OUTDATED ones launched over the 35 years USICH its existence.

Such is similar with “systemic racism”, a morally correct matter to discuss, denounce, call for system change, etc., but of course, as of this present time, there is no meaningful attempts, that we know of, that rectifies it, nor even a plan that specifically addresses it, either by USICH or Office of Domestic Policy Council (ODPC).  If there are said plans, may we please view them?

Team is expecting from USICH how the theme functions, particularly as it pertains to us?

Since 1985, two years before USICH, record demonstrates that collaboration is matter that has always been at center of our movement for 37 years.

Example: Please see attached the 1999 JSAP Document wherein collaboration is intensely discussed, Section IV “Action Requests” and Section V., “Scope of Project”.

Note: Perhaps, had the USICH of 1999 adopted JASP, homelessness would not be what it is today. Just an observation!  Then again, perhaps, systemic racism prevented it.

This is particularly poignant when considering LA, the National Homelessness Capital, has been exposed for Hispanic/Latino Caucasians racism against black citizens, most especially myself as the living, human, cognizant, lived experience, “Exhibit – A”.

What We Expect of USICH
The collaboration between USICH that the A-Team seeks is as follows:

  • Transference and/or elevate our relationship from the jurisdiction of USICH to that of the Office of Domestic Policy Council (ODPC), by which we may conduct full appropriate discussions, as the former has demonstrated that our concerns are beyond its scope, which understandable and fine.
  • “Systemic racism”, is a matter under of the ODPC, USICH not equipped, nor qualified, it would ludicrous to expect to resolve what has been a generational development, and not even knowing nor understanding The Sacre Laws of US, federal black citizenship, the center of their/our American existence.

Note: While USICH has correctly identified systemic racism as the primary cause of black homelessness, it is not qualified nor equipped to prevent nor resolve it.

  • Justiceville is “lived experienced”, cognizance, as well as doctrinally, philosophically and morally qualified to be authorized to exercise “any effort” we deemed for our “actual freedom”, according to the expectations of POTUS in The Law

Note: Full compliance to our concerns will demonstrate that “collaboration” with communities is indeed real.

  • Justiceville has the cognizance to properly identify and comprehend the situation of both intertwined systemic racism and homelessness of black citizens and expects the bequeath freedom implement the measures to dismantle “systemic racism” and replacing it with “systemic rectification” and healing.
  • Unprecedented cognizance since the 1866 enactment of The Law preceded by the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation of our citizenship and freedoms, even being couched in the 2008 HR #194 Apology Resolution, on a level beyond all others who are addressing USICH.

At this juncture, the best way that USICH can collaborate with Justiceville, is to kindly transfer our relationship to the ODPC, et al.

For USICH to deny the inheritance dictated and bequeathed to us in The Law of our citizenship and freedom, would be a worse offense because it hypocritically violates what it espoused.

 It would be the same, unabated, systemic racism that has generationally driven American Africans into the fate of doom presently confronting them/us, i.e., homelessness, “ultimate statement” of such, and thereby violating our “any efforts that they may make for their actual freedom.”

So please, we expect of USICH to immediately comply with our requests in this matter of collaboration.

Thanks kindly,

Together, we beseech the blessings of The Most High,


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