Let# 45 To: Jeff Olivet, et al, “The Matter of Five Million (5,000,000) Foreign Nationals Homeless Persons”|

Tue, Dec 20 at 11:18 am Let# 45 To: Jeff Olivet, et al, “The Matter of Five Million (5,000,000) Foreign Nationals Homeless Persons”|
Hey Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!

Would you please arrange for the Mr. Joe R. Biden, President of the United States (POTUS) to see the below letter to him directly?
Thanks kindly for your cooperation,

Second Letter: To President of the United States of America

Greetings Mr. President, Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
American African, US black citizens, the only, exclusive, federal, “super” citizenship status, designed to empower them/us into an experiential, “equal justice/protection under the law” citizenship, “as is enjoyed by white citizens”, i.e., willing immigrants. (1866 Civil Rights Act, Sec. 1).

Sir, this is my second letter to you since Sunday, November 6, 2022, which resulted in a special, 30 minute, zoom session of my Justiceville, White House negotiating, A-Team, with Mr. Jeff Olivet, Executive Director of USICH, along with two of his hard working, staff members, Ms. Helene Schnieder, and Ms. Beverly Ebersold on Friday, December 2nd.

Since that time, the several, very simply questions posed to the USICH staff during that session, as well as couple follow up emails of such as Letter #40 to Mr. Olivet, et al, we are yet to receive answers, without which, it’s impossible for the NGO that I’m associated with, as well as others throughout the country are unable to carry out our missions.

As you recall sir, thus far to no avail, we requested audience with you, or at least an official of decision-making authority and capacity, whereby we can make plain our plight as mandated to the President of the United States (POTUS) by Section 8, of the 1866 Civil Rights Act.

Further, the letter was in the good spirit of Reconciliation according the 2008 HR #194 Apology Resolution of which you are well aware of, however, our expectations are still yet to be fulfilled.

The Matter of Five Million (5,000,000) Foreign Nationals Homeless Persons|
Speaking of “asylum seekers” and “refugees” as it pertains to the sudden, ever daily growing, thus far, 2 years infusion of unofficially invited, illegally entering, five million plus (5,000,000) Foreign Nationals into Our Republic, via the southern US Borders, who are now scattered homeless throughout our country, in every state.

Where do black citizens seek asylum and find refuge as American refugees?
As Foreign Nationals seek and find asylum in the USA, built upon the backs of black citizens, descendants of this imperfect Union’s chattel slaves, where do we go for such?

Where do we flee for refuge from constant gun violence from enraged, unsuspecting, young black men?  Where can we take asylum from an oppressive government(s) that have for 400 plus years practice systems of racism upon us?  Where do we find the “American Dream”, social, economic, civic, opportunities that have been denied to us for generations, now being given to Foreign Nationals?  Who will champion, or be the Presidential Protector of the Subject Beneficiaries of the law mandated to the POTUS to protect us from such stealthy harm?

The mandate of Section 4, of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the Constitution designates them/us as “refugees” to be directly protected by the POTUS.  That is The Law, and for good cause as intended, but understandably, never fully activated, but is imperative that such is done now.

Contradicting Messages From The Presidency
It appears that American African, US black citizens are being given two contradictory messages from the Presidency – White House concerning the humane (non-military) resolutions to “home grown”, domestic homelessness.

Alarmingly, in our daily observance of this continual, mega, influx of Foreign Nationals, now homeless, and how it seems that the wellbeing of the chattel slave descendants is deliberately and maliciously, being neglected and/or “smashed” by Presidential, influential fiat.

Therefore, naturally, we are becoming more alarmed, and perhaps, correctly paranoid about our future state of affairs in the nation of freedom built upon our backs.

Example: We do recall, as is documented in print and video, in August 2012, then Vice President Joe R. Biden, of the Obama Administration, warned us black citizens, that if we are not careful in out voting, “they (alluding to a counter competitive party) are gonna have ya’ll back in chains”, i.e., plantations, chattel slavery.

Then, making matters worse, in October 2019, as Presidential candidate, you essentially said to us that, if don’t vote for you, we “ain’t black”.

As we view the Foreign Nationals influx “raiding” our federal resources, these two statements can only mean that you, Presidential candidate Biden, via your political party has done so much good for us black citizens, and will do even more if elected, that if we can’t understand this simple reality, then the descendant of chattel slaves, “ain’t black”…therefore, deserving to be “back in chains”, even though The Creator, spoken of in the Declaration of Independence, has created us equally.

If black citizens aren’t “black” for not voting for you sir, what then makes you a white citizen, “white”? And what is to happen to those black citizens who didn’t vote for you?

It appears, that it just doesn’t matter whether black citizens voted you or not, they/we are both being overrun by the Foreign Nationals of which you refuse to protect us from, rather, instead, are further encouraging our hurt by your actions.

Yet and still, without widespread protest, this is just  another catastrophic matter of “systemic racist” America being heaped upon the already “aching heads and backs” of black citizens, who since the 1960’s, disproportionately lead in numbers and complexities, all other ethno-racial identities, i.e., Americans of willing immigration heritage, in nearly every negative, national, social statistics, primarily dwelling in urban and suburban centers.   

Of course, this includes homelessness, the ultimate, visible manifestation of generational, “systemic racism” against us.

This unabated, nation-killing, infusion of Foreign Nationals, along with other such maladies, is a literal, co- “killer” of what could be the very last, “free” generation of American Africans, because of its rapid, draining of resources, i.e., funds; properties-lands, even function military bases; personnel; passion, and compassion, primarily from the very black citizens who saved your 2020 Presidential, primary bid and onto the Presidency.

This matter of the POTUS and staff not taking the lawful, mandated actions to stop the growing devastating disaster of our peoples, violates US Civil Rights and International Human Rights Law against black citizens, just doesn’t make sense, unless it is in the continuing spirit of “systemic racism” and to quietly be accept, if we want to remain “black.”

Adding to this extreme, stealth, national security danger, as result of the growing “humanitarian” crisis of homeless, Foreign Nationals, is the immanent, United Nations’ declaration that they are “refugees”, and their makeshift, sidewalk encampments and official city operated “tent cities”, of which according to the mandated of The Act, Sec. 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9; along with the 14th Amendment, Sec. 1; and the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, particularly Sentence 2, B., based on Article 4, Sec. 4, US Constitution.

Legitimate Questions
Therefore, sir, how are you now complying with these laws” Or, what is your strategic plan to protect the Subject Beneficiaries of these laws from this massive, influxes of Foreign Nationals?

When will our questions about the Trump Military Forced Homeless Relocation proposal that is now a major section of his 2024, Presidential platform?

When will we receive in official documentation, denunciation of the Trump Proposal by a Presidential Executive Order, then sent to Capital Hill for full, bi-multi-partisan Congressional Legislation, forever forbidding such aggression to resolve a social malady caused the stresses of society?

Thank you, sir, for your time, full, passionately compassion attention and compliance with our justified, expectations.

We together beseech The Most High GOD for HIS blessings in these matters,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II

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