Let. #46 Mr. Olivet: “Why The Karen Bass Homeless Plan Is Doomed To Failure”

Wed, Dec 21 at 11:46 am To: Jeff Olivet| Cc:Helene Schneider,Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis
Hey Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
Whether the Hon. LA Mayor Karen Bass is naively, or intentionally posing her citywide plan to “force” homeless, US citizens into hotels, motels, etc., is doomed to abject failure.

As mayor of the National Homelessness Capital and that of homeless US military Veterans, and comparatively the world, what Mayor Bass does here will have national ramification’s, therefore, it behooves me to address this matter with you…at least for the official federal record.

Therefore, it would prudent and wise for USICH to ask the mayor the below questions as well as daily monitor the Bass plan, especially, as it will require federal funding.

Also, USICH must take notice as to how she relates with Justiceville as well as other NGOs’ or is it the Bass way, or no way!  If that is so, why can’t other ideals be implemented along with the Bass plan, especially with the White House is calling for collaboration?

Why can’t she implement her plan, as well as support others, being that Bass can supposedly house only 17,000 individuals? Why not with USICH implement the EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics initiative?

“Doomed to failure”, because Mr. Bass is clearly receiving the same erroneous advice of the advocacies that have caused the loss of billions of dollars taxpayers’ monies being wasted over 3 ½ decades around the “housing first” policy and all the rehabilitative into “mainstream” social services programing associated with it.

When the Hon. Ms. Bass was asked how to judge her success on eliminating homelessness, she has replied, and notice the word “should” twice in her statement.

“Encampments should be significantly down if not eliminated, and there should be housing being built, underway, at a much more rapid pace,” she said. “And there should not be 40,000 people who are unhoused, that’s for sure.”

The mayor has promised that the city will not have 40,000 peoples who are unhoused, that’s for sure.

However, Ms. Bass twice uses the word “should”, and according to other such political promises, means that that the promise will not be kept.  There are a lot of things that “should”, but are not, and will not.

First, in her 1-year plan to put-forcing the “17,000” into said facilities, will Ms. Bass also stop the increasing numbers of American middle and working poor classes from being societally and economically driven downwards into homelessness?

Mind you, the homelessness population was already increasing due to the early 1980’s economic recession, combined with the consistently failed, 35 years of the “housing first” policy.

Also, as with USICH nationally, Ms. Bass will have to house LA’s growing share of the 5 million plus Foreign National homeless in our country as well.  How is it possible that her plan will house these folks too?

By the time the “17,000” are in facilities, thousands more American citizens will have been societally forced into the already burgeoning homeless populations resulting from the growing economic crisis.

During this 1-year time, as with the “veteran” (6 or more months) encampment homeless persons, the “newbies” will eventually embrace, adapt, acclimate, morph, amalgamate to become one with the freedoms associated with homelessness.

Therefore, being free from the substance addicting, mental illness, anti-social, even criminal behavior, homelessness causing, distresses of the turbulent “currents of mainstream” society, like the “veterans”, the “newbies” will also refuse the Bass plan, because it leads -tricks them back into the same conditions and situations that pushed into the streets in first place.

1.     It is the mental illness of suicide for a person who has just escaped from a burning structure to return into it; or that of fire department personnel sadistically encouraging him/her to do so.

2.     Or, the chattel slave that unintentionally wondered off the plantation and tasted freedom, will under no circumstances nor threats, and/or execution of whippings, beatings, lynching by his captors, nor even offering from them of better living conditions to return back to slavery.

3.     All the social services, rehabilitation programs are design under the failed “housing first” policy whereby homeless persons are rehabbed back into the plantation, and burning structure of mainstream, therefore, there is sane, commonsense resistance to them.

4.     Please view “Mainstream Resistance” at https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mstr/ as it explains this “resistance” mentality in both the homeless and society, naturally having understandable economic, social, civic, political, even religious resistance to their entry.

5.     Remember, it was the October 1985, jury court case in which two homeless, US Army veterans and myself were tried for trespassing, and found not guilty based on “The Defense of Necessity”, which is the root foundation of the encampment movement.

6.     This case was warped-sped into reality 10 months into my fervent and unprecedented aggressive activism which began in January of 1985 when I first voluntarily entered homelessness to help humanely resolve it.

Second, it’s one of the heights of folly for the Bass plan to expect that civility will be the motif operandi within these facilities, as they will degenerate into “hell holes” of drugs, crime, violence, even murder, etc., which is the natural course when poverty culturized peoples are concentrated into a geo-physical locale, i.e., ghettos.

1.     Forced ghettoizing is essentially an internment-concentration of a “like” or similar status peoples

2.     Typical internment-concentration facilities are generally fenced or walled camps situated “out of sight” in rural areas, whereas, the hotels and motels are very similar, but located in town where they are seen.

A.    Out of sight-out of mind.  While the Bass plan is no more than a temporary “pleaser-appeaser” to the constituents, i.e., local neighborhood residents whereby the homelessness “eyesore” of a public health and safety threat will no longer be seen as the homeless located into the hotels and motels.

B.    Will the Bass plan curtail the daily and nightly roaming and rummaging about by the facilities residents?

If not, it defeats its own “pleaser-appeaser” objective of having the homeless, “out of sight-out of mind”, because the hotels and motels are in neighborhoods, primarily of business commerce.

C.    How long will the inmates of these concentrated facilities reside there?  To where do they transition into the high cost of living, turbulent, overpopulated, extreme, “mainstream” culture which forced them into homelessness in the first place?  The longer the inmates remain in the facilities, the worse conditions will become.

Such is not socially and financially sustainable!

D.    What is the security system for these ghettos in buildings facilities?

E.    How and who will manage these indoor ghettos?

3.     Without the element of the Domestic Peace Corps (DPC), the Bass plan is doomed to fail in every possible way.  Please view “The Mission of the Domestic Peace Corps” at https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mission/ and “Encampment Management” at https://domesticpeacecorps.org/dpcta/ | “Managed or Sanctioned Encampments vs the “Wild” https://domesticpeacecorps.org/dpctb/

4.     Intended Failure?
Based on the forementioned matters, which are gapping flaws, it seems that the Bass plan is like a ocean going vessel that been deliberately sabotaged with weak points that when underway in open seas, they will break open as holes to flood its hull until it sinks.

It’s surmised that when this ultimate of lenient, liberal plan fails in the midst of the neighborhoods wherein these low level or first stages internment-concentration camps within buildings, i.e. hotel and motels, etc., utterly fail, which they will, the residents thereof will unwittingly pressure the Ms. Bass, et al to send the National Guards.

Apparently, mayoral candidate Bass agrees with the dreaded Trump Proposal of July 26,2022, stating privately, that only the military enforcement can resolve homelessness for the obvious reasons.  We will verify!

5.     The Bass plan is supposedly designed to send teams into the encampments and encourage and coerce their dwellers to enter the indoor internment-concentration camps.

A.    However, how will that work when the vast majority of homeless persons will refuse to go into the these indoor internment-concentration-plantation camps again for the obvious reasons, as the Bass plan is designed to “trick” them back into the burning structure of punishing, “mainstream” society?

B.    Does the Bass plan address the encampment dwellers who prefer sidewalk-street freedom instead of the plantation-interment-concentration camp hotel-motels, etc.?

C.    Will law enforcement personnel cite them for violating codes of public health and safety, thereby being a caught “red-handed” criminal outlaw, arrested, prosecuted and if found guilty punished accordingly?

D.    Given the numbers of homeless, US citizens who will not comply, will the judicial systems, including incarceration facilities handle the rebels?

E.    After serving their incarceration time, where will the former inmates be released to?  The sidewalks-streets to be homeless again, and repeat the same insane process?

F.     Being that the violations which homeless persons commit are primarily misdemeanors, generally carrying a maximum 1-year jail time and $1,000 fine, of which they can’t pay, and when released from jail, where will they go?

G.   Provided that the numbers of arrested resisters will overwhelm the correctional facilities, meaning the law enforcement is not equipped to manage such a huge influx convicted inmates , how will the Bass plan address this matter?

6.     Hypothetically, should the Bass plan actually “house” the 17000:

A.    How will it prevent “Greyhound, Amtrak, Jetliner therapy”, that is, other governmental jurisdictions near and far from sending their destitute constituents to LA to receive the “loving care” offered to them;

B.    How will it prevent others from outside of and within LA who will find having the free hotel-motel room perfect for substance usage (alcohol-narcotics), partying, sexual rendezvous, etc?

C.    How will the Bass plan prevent thug criminals from hiding in, and working out of free hotel and motel rooms?

7.     Given the impossibilities of the Bass plan, and its probable failure, it’s becoming more evident that the new LA mayor does actually believe in that military enforced relocation of homeless, US citizens is indeed the only plausible way to address homeless, especially before the 2026 World Soccer Cup and the 2028 LA Olympics.

8.     If the Bass plan truly meant to resolving homelessness, as she knows me and is aware of my/Justiceville Strategic Plan, i.e., EXODUS II, the new mayor would’ve consulted me.  Why hasn’t she?

9.     Mr. Bass has been around LA region for at least 38 or more years, from her days as President of the local ACORN movement, into state legislature, to Congress, why now is she suddenly enlightened to resolve homelessness in its Nation Capital?  Where has she been?

10.  Perhaps, Ms. Bass should sign a commitment stating should her 1-year plan fail, she will resign from office!

Just some more thought for your and perhaps, USICH may want to ask her these same questions, and take direct oversight of her work, because for sure Ms. Bass will come to the federals for cash to implement her plan.

Thanks for considering, and the blessings of The Most High be upon us all in this matter,

Ted Hayes

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