Let #51 To Olivet: “All In” – LA Bass Plans and Justiceville EXODUS II

Mon, Jan 9 at 8:27 pm, Let #46 To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis
Greetings Mr. Olivet, Shalom!
In the light of the looming 2024 Presidential elections, it looks like 2023 is going to be an unprecedented, turbulent year for American society, politically, economically, socially and spiritually for everyone within it by choice.

Nonetheless, wishing everyone at USICH staff very well and prosperous in every good way, especially given the enormous task you are charged to somehow manage.

While preparing another email to you, I’ve been impressed to pivot and present an option for consideration of Justiceville’s addressing the various aspects that USICH’s “2025 All In” objective, conjointly with that Los Angeles Mayor, the Hon. Karen Bass Plan.

Give The Societal Exiles To EXODUS II
The poetic inscription at the Statue of Liberty’s foot, entitled, “The New Colossus” saying,

“Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.  Give Me Your Tired. Your Poor. Your Huddled Masses Yearning to breathe Free…Send These, The Tempest Tossed To Me”

EXODUS II The New “Mother of Exiles” Out of America (rephrased)

Give – consign to EXODUS II America’s tired. The USA’s Poor. The Union Republic’s huddled masses yearning to breathe Free…away from overpopulated, high cost of living, super stressed, causing substance addiction (alcohol, illicit, physician prescribe psychotropic narcotics), and turbulent, societal oppression…Yes, send-consign these, that the USICH ‘All In” and LA Bass plans is admittedly leaving and “left behind”, Mr. President, which the tempest of ‘mainstream’ society tossed away to EXODUS II”.  If not, why not?  If yes, when?

Note: Mainstream Resistance To Solving Homeless https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mstr/

“All In” and “LA Bass” Plans Are Self-Admitted Inability
According to the USICH “2025 All In Plan” promising to house 25% of the homeless, while an increasing 75% are “left behind”; and the Bass Plan, pledging housing for 17,000 encampment dwellers, which is 28% of LA’s homelessness population of circa 60,000 individuals within the first year of her administration “leaving behind” a growing 72%.

Time being of the essence with the organically growing, nationwide increase of state, county, and municipal legislation further outlawing homeless or un-housed American citizens, while it appears that “All In” is surrendering the ever increasing “left behind” 75% to the military option.

Along with the growing, unwarranted criminalization of these American citizens, is their increasing numbers from being exiled out of society into the outlawed zones of public health and safety, hence, “outlaws” subject to imminent arrest status.

Not of our domestic 25% homeless population, USICH is leaving behind, the 5,000,000 plus, daily growing by the thousands, Foreign Nationals illegally scattered throughout our country, who are currently “freezing” and suffering all kinds of international human rights laws indignities in this unprecedented, American winter.

It appears that USICH can and will only deal with 25% domestic homeless by 2025, leaving the 5,000,000 plus to languish in the streets and neighborhoods of America, causing a far greater public health and safety threat, and homelessness-humanitarian crisis, than the catastrophe that We the People, nationwide are now experiencing.

Therefore, the Office of Domestic Policy, has a huge, legal, and moral decision to make, not USICH.

Thankfully to The Most High, DPC is directed by a black citizen woman who can empathize with us, and will now enter into direct discussions as how Justiceville might be of significant assistance in both matters, which like “systemic racism”, is directly detrimental, even eventually fatal to American Africans.

Enter EXODUS II: Volunteer Relocate Homeless
In the spirit of “All In”, “Collaboration against criminalization, etc.”, Reconciliation that reimagines the nature of homelessness, and dismantles “systemic racism”, replacing it with “systemic rectification”

Based the admitted 75% inability of the POTUS plan, he can now set those victims of that free to breathe, and The Most High says to government,

“Let My People Go” – “The outcasts of Israel” that we might go to the Land Promised to us by America.

Actually, it is greatly to the benefit of the POTUS agenda, our Union Republic, and the world, especially in light of the 2028 LA Olympics, preceded by 2026 LA World Cup, i.e., protecting and projecting “good will” USA global image,.

All he has to do is simply grant that which belongs to American Africans, as stated in the Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence 2, B. and the US Const. The Act of 1866-68, etc.,

By complying with his Oath of Office in this matter of the Executive Orders that is expected of him, EXODUS will relocate by leading the volunteering, “left behind” 75% away for America’s urban centers onto federal lands, including decommissioned military bases, which are government chartered, 21st Century villages, communities, townships, small cities of human opportunities in freedom and liberty, etc. https://domesticpeacecorps.org/town/ | https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mstr/ | https://nf2now.com/str-fedland/

By the combined Presidential authorities and civilian controlled, military resources granted to black citizens, along with local, state, and national stakeholders support, as well as the 2028 LA Olympic Committees and 2026 LA World Cup Soccer…

together, collaboratively, we will have humanely (non-military enforced) resolved the masses of homelessness by OPENING DAY of the 2028 LA Olympics, and of course, the 2026 World Cup giving it a boost.

Thanks kindly for your consideration,

We beseech The Most High to bless us all in this matter,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II

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