Schneider, Let. “Pulling” For You”

Wed, Oct 5 at 2:58 PM Let. # 30 To: Helene Schneider, Cc:Jeff Olivet,Tanya Mathis
Greetings Ms. Schneider, Shalom!
Without a doubt, I’m sure, and can only imagine-speculate the feelings, and levels of stress that you, Mr. Olivet and your whole, brilliant staff of USICH are going through while feverishly busy working on getting the White House strategic national plan completed, as your “late September roll out” date has come and gone without it.

Given the recent developments around the millions of undocumented, untraceable, mixed-multitude, Foreign Nationals now homeless scattered throughout our country; and how they are being treated some even symbolically, militarily forced, relocated from a very wealthy American community onto a military base, as many others are; reports of abuses of children and women; even suicide attempts by teens, et al; the “hurricane” economy recession storming and blowing a rapidly increasing numbers of working and poor class Americans downwards to the “black hole vortex” of homelessness; know that the “housing first” policies which tainted and stained every aspect of homeless rehabilitation programs, is “OUTDATED” – obsolete!; growing crime in the streets, etc. etc.,  We the A-Team sincerely feel for you!

In our opinion, of all the professional, government employees, perhaps, except they of the Pentagon, and its related services such as the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, DOJ, your tiny, unknown, unsung, therefore, unappreciated “family”, have the most difficult task of them all, nearly combined, given the nature of what you have been Presidentially commissioned to accomplish, especially before 2028.

Just letting you know that while “unlived experienced”, and thereby unable to completely empathize with your struggles, we of the A-Team due sympathize with your plight; and are standing ever ready to assist you in any way within our reach, to alleviate some to the intense pressure all of you are under.  We are “pulling” for you!

Patiently awaiting the “roll out”, we will continue to anticipate it, and fine toning the Justiceville strategy, especially in the light of the looming 2028 Olympics, which have officially posted on September 21st, calling upon the POTUS to embrace and support the EXODUS II: LA 2028 BOLD initiative.

We will be in touch and The Most Highs bless you all dearly with the best regards for your good work.

Ted Hayes
Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028

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