The Societal Economic Stack

The societal, economic stack (SES – pool) is termed as the social economic levels beginning with the working poor and downward to destitute homelessness.

The “Societal Economic Stack”, (SEC -pool), illustrates the levels of social, economic, classes status of society, under growing pressers of extreme, homelessness causing stresses, which are due to the “rat race” nature of money-grasping for powers, and/or simple amenities for daily life.

While this trend was towards homelessness culture was already worsening, the sudden, therefore shocking advent of the Corona COVID 19 Viruses, and the sharp, unprecedented rise of inflation, ranging from residencies to travel expenses and the rising cost of daily living etc., has further exasperated the intent to “help the homeless…get off the streets.

Actually, such pressuring stresses have made it involuntarily impossible for the massive mainstreaming the homelessness cultures persons residing at the abjectly destitute, very bottom of the societal stack.

Envisioning the societal structure of an upside-down pyramid, whereby the extreme, stressful elements of upper social class statuses are pressing their weight, or as rainfall, dropping downwards its point, i.e., “tip of the iceberg” epicenter, which is the natural, gravitational pull of the “black hole vortex”, the epicenter of homelessness culture.

Note: “destitute” – there are people without homes, i.e., stable domiciles, etc., however, not without means, particularly financial.

Example: Certain RVers’, i.e., homeless person(s) who chose to no longer pay the high cost of rentals, but rather instead, own a recreational vehicle, while maintaining their regular sources of income, thereby, achieving gainful employment status.

When viewing the below matter concerning the stress pressed, societal pushing of US citizens downward toward societies bottom, into “black hole vortex” of homelessness culture, it’s imperative to first consider in triage fashion, the following matter:

Bear in mind the social, economic conditions of American African, black citizens whereby black citizens lead all other ethno-racial identities in the USA in nearly every negative, national social statistics, which is manifested in “visible”, homelessness culture, along with their youths, primarily the males’, confused engagement in mutually assisted destruction (MAD) warfare against each other.

Therefore, in the below statements, black citizens are the most disaffected.

The Working Poor’s Descent into Homelessness

  1. Housing
    Housing: single or duplex rentals, most being inadequate in room spaces
    B. Apartments: multiplexes or government projects
    most of dwellings are inadequate in room spaces, as well as living conditions, and are also located in troubled neighborhoods
  2. Wage Earnings
    While most work at below, or old minimum wages, and even now with recently applied $15 levels, their income is being consumed by the present, unsustainable, cost of living, as well as higher taxes inflation rates for the cost of living, and higher taxes, by the present, great inflation rate that is portending recession, thereby leaving cash for stress relieving entertainment
  3. Therefore, given the situation of “punch the clock”, earning wages being reduced, especially to the recent, sudden high inflation rise, residents of homelessness culture encampments, loners, RV’ers, et al, are rightly, and sanely not interested in entering the turbulent, stressful, “mainstream” of society.
  4. Transportation To Jobs (slavery)
    Generally, while taking up exorbitant time in travel, public transportation assists many, whereas those totally reliant upon personal vehicles, constantly run the risks, of mechanical malfunctions in need of costly repairs; accidents (particularly uninsured); regular parts, such as tires, etc., oil changes, smog checks, and petroleum fuels, which are rising with inflationary costs, etc.,
  1. Medical, Health (in psychological) and Dental Care
    Other than the few who possess company Health and Dental Care programs, most are not so insured as such, therefore are under extreme stress of potential health and dental matters, as well as accidental and life insurance.
        Note: A accident, or death, carries a heavy penalty of further debt
  2. Debt
    A.  Business – credit, loans, personal, i.e., family and friends, or even loan sharks, etc.,
    B.  Welfare – repayment to county for years on welfare benefits
    C.  Alimony and Child Support
  3. Criminal Records
    Without going into details concerning parolees and ex-inmates, this population is rejected by societal norms, therefore remaining within the endless cycles of systemic racist institutions of the prison industrial complex (PIC) and that of homelessness (HIC).
    B.  Registered Sex Offenders – understandably, not being welcomed in neighborhoods, these individuals have no choice but dwell in “the streets”, not having an exit from homelessness cultures, or reentry path back into society.