Presidential Executive Order: Introduction

It Is The Only Way On The Creator’s Earth By Which We Might Achieve
What Is Deemed, An Impossible Dream

  Abraham Lincoln

Ulysses S. Grant
Dwight Eisenhower

 John F. Kennedy

Following in the example of Abraham Lincoln, these succeeding Presidents issued Executive Orders on behalf of chattel slaves and their descendant children, i.e., black citizens for the furtherance of their actual freedom in the United States of America, Union Republic.

The homelessness situation in this great Union republic, particularly as it relates to chronic, hardcore, sidewalk, encampments, etc., is exponentially growing in numbers and complexities.

This is especially true and poignant in the urban regions of our country wherein most black citizens dwell, such as Los Angeles, the national capital of homelessness, and that of US Military Veterans, in which is contained the greatest open secret of devastation and shame for a world class city, the debacle of Skid Row, its “ground 0” and “black hole vortex”.

Due to the government’s inability to properly resolve homelessness encampment culture, what was contained within the 50 blocks, Central City East District, has which has spawned a myriad of little “skid rows” throughout the Los Angeles regions.

Based on Lincoln’s January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, A Presidential Executive Order by the President of the United States (POTUS), will mandate every effected state, county and municipality throughout the country, as well as social service entities to re-adjust their mission objectives to align and connect with that of the Presidents Plans, i.e., EXODUS, via the White House, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH).

The Presidential ordered mandates will enforce the necessary civility between the three (3) local government jurisdictions; cease the political, partisan bickering of Democratic and Republican Parties; as well as that  among the competing social service providers and social-community activists.

Therefore, these entities will comply with the mandated orders, or loose and be denied federal funding.

This Presidential action will help abate the growth of homelessness encampment culture by unraveling its complexities, whereby the corruptions of the homeless industrial complex (HIC) will be arrested, thereby ending the morass of the repetitive, dysfunctional measures of insanity that society has experienced for the last three and half (31/2) decades of spending billions of tax payers dollars for naught.

By such human authority and leadership on GOD’s created earth, this “impossible dream” that we all have concerning the resolution of homelessness culture, is then indeed made impossible.

For six thousand years of recorded, world history, human beings have wondered about the moon, i.e., what its composition is, how it stays suspended in the sky, and moves, etc., but most importantly, if possible, how to travel there.

Finally, after six thousand years of such dreaming, the spoken word and command of an individual human being, governing and leading the most powerful nation in word history, POTUS John F. Kennedy recognized the timing; along with geopolitical situations on earth; the technologies with the availability abundance of genius, uttered a challenge that made the impossible, the reality, well within his ordered, projected, time scale.
See: JFK Moon Shot Vision.

This JFK example must be so with this present POTUS, but this time, the “New Frontier” is humanity itself. Hence, New Frontier II: Operation Humanity (NF2:OH)

NF2:OH presents two specific cases of Presidential Executive Orders,
1) being, the Truman initiated rebuilding of Germany, England, Europe, i.e., the Marshal; and that of Japan, South and Northern Pacific, Asia,i.e., MacArthur…post WWII, by which these regions and nations of the world were functioning and moving up;

2) being, Eisenhower enforced the edicts of the 1866 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, particularly in the matters of school integration, destruction of the KKK, and civil advancement of US black citizens, i.e. chattel slave descendants, et al.

Therefore, it’s imperative that such Presidential authority be fully in place in order for the Domestic Peace Corps Troopers and Workers to successfully function.

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