The Presidential Imperative of the Domestic Peace Corps

In order for EXODUS: 2028 Olympic Gold Homelessness Resolution to be fully functional and successful, Justiceville must properly train and equip an army of Domestic Peace Corps Workers (DPCW) to fan out into the designated encampments.

Regardless of huge sums of money, innovative social service programs, even the Presidential Executive Order (PEO), without this imperatively particular element of EXODUS, our Olympian Objective can never be achieved.

The Workings of the DPC

Before any dispatching of Domestic Peace Corps Workers (DPCW), there must first occur a widespread campaign of awareness into the encampments announcing the coming of DPC workers and their DOJ protection credentials.

  1. Alerts and involvement of all law enforcement entities of first and foremost the US Department of Justice, followed by those of States, Counties, Municipalities, in accordance with the JSAP (Joint Statement and Action Plan of the Law Enforcement Working Group) See “JSAP at NF2now” and “Unified Action Plan” (UAP)
  2. Fliers, poster, social and traditional media advertisement and press releases accompanied by radio and televised interviews, explaining the purposes of the DPC action.
  3. Infiltrate or amalgamate into designated “wild” – un-managed encampments, as well as shadow-track “lone wolves”, i.e., individuals, particularly those who are clinically mentally ill, such the “untouchable ‘trolls”.

The DPCW’s will conduct the following activities with the encampment residents:

  1. Announce and reveal to them their presence, as well as purpose
  2. Explain the only two realistic voluntary options are EXODUS, or that of draconian military, i.e., state national guard units.

Note: because of their inhumane, unjust, unsustainable situation in/of the encampments has understandably, become so unpopular with a frightened, frustrated, general public opinion to the point of homeless US citizens being so villainized, due to their outlawed, public health and safety status, etc., essentially they will correctly be deemed “criminals” and/or “outlaws”.

  1. Win encampment residents confidence in EXODUS by the strength of their enormous resources, such as their connections with the participating social services, gainful employment and business entrepreneurship partners; health, dental and mental care assets, as well as safety from criminal elements by their protective authority.
  2. Encourage encampment residents into responsible community behavior until such a time when they have transitioned on ether into “mainstream” society oriented social service programs or they into EXODUS, and even directly into such.

The encampments residents will no longer panhandle the neighborhood residents, nor interfere with retail business and property owners, but rather serve as neighborhood watch, patrol and street maintenance, etc., of which participating residents will receive regular financial stipends.

While in the early stage aspects of EXODUS, candidates for DPC will be directly trained and properly equipped by the First DPCW, and then dispatched into designated encampments.

This aspect of EXODUS can only be achieved by first accomplishing the following:

  1. According to EGIIP (Exodus Genesis Incentive Initiative Plan), location prepared and functioning according to received transitioned, former encampment residents, i.e., homeless persons. See, EGIIP Summary
  2. The four phased transitioning processes for the participants;
  3. Appropriately trained and equipped DPCW intermixed with every phase of the transitioning process, which includes the end of the participants’ journey to the American “Promised Lands”, i.e., the planned, chartered townships, villages, cities, outside of the urban centers, according to EGIIP, i.e., Townships Option | “DPCW’s Trained and Qualified” | “DPC Training”

The Absolute Necessity of the Immediate Issuance of the Presidential Executive Order
This task is so immense
in its scope of numbers and complexities, as well as the time frame of only 6 years, the only way to accomplish what 3 ½ decades of hundreds of billions of dollars allocated to the myriad of traditional and innovative homelessness, social services outreach programs have grossly failed to, is by an immediate, Presidential Executive Order(s) [PEO]

This action is especially poignant in that we must be empowered to raise and large army of DPCW’s, which takes intense time and training.

This PEO will accomplish the following:

  1. Give assuring confidence in all associated entities and individuals, including the encampment homelessness culture populations, and all important, local residents, business retailers, and property owners, which allows the encampment management aspects and processes of EXODUS, as well law enforcement personnel.
  2. Forces all governmental jurisdictions, including social services entities, particularly those receiving or seeking federal funding, to cease their competitive bickering, along with that of advocates and activists to work cooperatively with the Presidents Orders.

Note: Such will dramatically increase the speed by which Olympic EXODUS can, will and must be accomplished.

The longer that the PEO is not issued, the lesser our chances of accomplishment become.