Narrative To Biden Letter ““Instead of Military Enforcement, Let My People Go To the ‘Promised land”

Hey Mr. Olivet, Shalom!
(See: Let To Mr. Biden)

Long time since we last communicated, as I was waiting to see if matters would improve before sending the below letter to POTUS, of which, we trust that you will pass on to the proper personnel and office in the White House which handles these kind of matters.

Please pardon the length of my notes and letters to President Biden, but I’m a literally, struggling for my life, that of my peoples, as well as all pained and stressed American citizens, and our beloved Union Republic.  So, I’m very passionate!

No need in wasting time rehearsing how horribly frightening that “visible” encampment homelessness culture has become and is becoming, as you, of all people know far more than most, even myself, having privy to classified information, the real assessment of the matter, but for understandably, security reasons, won’t reveal it to the public.

Being straight here
This matter of which, for some strange reason, after nearly as year of, you or someone in the Administration is refusing to properly address as requested, that of the dreaded, Trump intention of military enforced, homeless relocation to essentially, permanent, internment camps.

Well, as our request is so far being officially refused, we are left with no choice, but to believe that apparently, in our limited view, in interest of protecting the public’s health and safety of warranted complaining, community-neighborhood stakeholders…according to what must be an undocumented, classified, government perspective…such drastically desperate, military enforced action seems the only, viable, pragmatic, and rapid option to resolve homelessness before the 2028 LA Olympics, the 2026 World Cup proceeding, and the ominous, countable, 10% rise of homelessness, nullifies the USICH 2025 “All In Safe” objective.

Praying to GOD that I’m wrong about this military matter, but if this is indeed true, that certain government employees’ and elements are entertaining a private policy, then, for America’s freedom, please allow Justiceville – EXODUS II option be tried first.

As we are not asking for taxpayer’s funding, there is nothing to lose, but all to gain.

The reason for this win-win-win investment is, because all the “tools” needed are already the US Constitutional, federal laws, that are spiritually and justifiable bequeathed to their Subject Beneficiaries, i.e., American African, black citizens of the exclusive and only, federalized, super citizenship status.

In doing so, our Union Republic of the United States will immensely gain from it at home and abroad at the tables of international negotiations.

It’s my belief that your heart, Mr. Olivet, along with your overworked, due to over assignment, are truly sincere individuals, and as much, as you’d love to upon our request, but instead, are severely handicapped (in making any “out of the box” decisions, especially, on matters of this kind) by certain personnel and elements above your “pay grade”…

…but all that I ask that you at least try to represent these concerns to those individuals who will make the ultimate decision.

Let my Team and come to DC and spend some meaning time speaking with you through these matters.

As an American black man of unprecedented qualities of lived experiences, and uniquely gained knowledge honed from 38 years of voluntary homeless person, having an undeniable, trendsetting record of official, and non-official activities, as well as programs in homelessness resolution, such as Dome Village, and most importantly, the significant understanding of my person according the federal laws granted to my peoples whereby, “they may make for their actual freedom”, of which I present to POTUS. (Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence, B.)

 Finally, again, more for your and the nation’s sake than mine/ours, I/we humbly request that our federal government allow Justiceville, the last opportunity to rectify “visible” homelessness before any military action is taken.

Before our GOD, we deserve and have earned this respect from our federal government, as it’s our, we black people’s last ploy for our full freedom as Constitutionally mandated.

Thanks kindly for your sincere consideration and participation,

All the best to you and staff,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville-EXODUS II

(See: Let To Mr. Biden)

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