Let. #63 To Olivet For POTUS Biden: “US President Military Forced Relocation Intentions”

Wed, Apr 19 at 3:16 pm Let. #  To:Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold, Tanya Mathis: “US President Military Forced Relocation Intentions”
Greetings Mr. Olivet, Shalom!
Here’s another “squeak”.

Would please see to it that the appropriate personnel views the below letter to the POTUS?
Thanks kindly and all the best of The Most High to us all,
The Hon. Joe R. Biden
President of the United States

The Oval Office, White House
Washington, DC

Re: Former US President’s Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless Persons

Greetings Mr. President, Shalom!
Please view this short video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRp6la-A6e4
Yesterday, once again, former US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump reiterated his 2024 Presidential plan that promises to militarily force relocate homeless, US citizens into “huge tent cities on cheap federal lands”, which will evolve into permanent internment/concentration camps, all the while constructing 10, what he dubs, “Freedom Cities”, primarily for the wealthy.

Even if Mr. Trump, yourself, or any future US President resort to this draconian measure, in the name of helping and rehabilitating said homeless persons, the question remains:

 “Rehabilitate” them to what!?!?  Return to the same society stresses of the “mainstream” which initially forced them into homelessness?

Even so, the cost of living, i.e., affordable housing/rentals, daily sustenance, etc., will prevent them from returning to the cities from whence they were cleansed out of, therefore, never to leave what would be permanent internment-concentration camps, operated by social service contractors, including security firms.

In his statements, Mr. Trump dangerously “gaslighted” US citizens, who have been societal forced into homelessness, even criminalizing them, claiming that they rob fellow Americans of their civil rights, etc., seeming to be making excuses, i.e., preparing America for military enforcement, of which most will not object to.

Such dangerous rhetoric about the “mentally ill”, substance addicted, anti-social, even criminal behavior of this societally forced, class of citizens, i.e., homeless persons, feeds into the understandably, frustrated minds and souls of local community and neighborhood residents, innocently plagued by homelessness throughout the country.

This “gaslighting” of the homeless, particularly federal, black citizens, the overwhelmingly, disproportionate majority of the homelessness population, is certainly reminiscent of the early stages of Nazism in WWII era Germany.

As we recall, this educated civilized society, allowed its “crazed”, bombastic, “Make Germany Great Again” (MGGA) Fuhrer, to assail and attack the then outcasts, i.e., mentally ill, those deemed lazy, narcotic/alcohol addicted, disabled, elderly, disabled, the unwanted, homeless, et al, of society, with similar rhetoric as the now Trumpian plan for America.

Alarmingly, the Trump rhetoric is the growing, sentiment presently transcending Democratic-Republican Party lines, culture-war conservative and liberal antagonist, white and black communities, and neighborhoods throughout our country.

Furthermore, the White House, USICH, Domestic Policy Council policy, also expresses alarm at the rapid rate by which state, county, and municipal governments throughout our country, are increasing legislation against homelessness, i.e., the people.

Also alarming, is the unifying power of the Trumpian sentiment, in that the diversities of both the public and private sectors, are being moved into a universal, E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many, One”, body politic, united by the words of the former President.
Who would have thought?!?

The Trumpian plan dangerously speaks of “cleaning up our beautiful cities”, where black citizens primarily reside, hence, the homelessness populations thereof, are American Africans, they/we are over 60% of homeless nationally, and only 11% of the general population.

We are America, not Nazi Germany!

The Most High has abundantly blessed us with the resources and technologies (“Yankee-Ingenuity”) by which Americans (unlike certain foreign regimes which deploys military enforcement to resolve societal-caused social maladies), as We the People together, can, must and will do better with humanely resolving homelessness, when shown how.

Should the military, i.e., federalized, State National Guard, be deployed by any US President, including yourself, to force resolve a societal-caused, i.e., “systemic racism” would mean the immediate end of our Union Republic’s, American Experiment in people-oriented government, instead of “strong man or few” totalitarianism.

The January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence 2, B., orders that you as President, and the military do no acts to harm its Subject Beneficiaries, but rather to protect and support “any of them in any effort they may make for their actual freedom.”

“and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

Surely, any Trumpian-like plan would harm to black citizens!

“Silver Lining”
Sir, this has exposed a “loophole” in our national security that you must immediately close, that regardless of how awful a societal-caused social malady is, never should military enforcement be utilized to resolve it, case in point, our present homelessness matter.

Ironically, the “silver lining” is, homeless, particularly the federal, black citizens, are the “canary in the coal mine” by which America will awaken to this danger, immediately rectifying it.

Should you and the military take no action to prevent the loss of American Africans’ freedom, we lose “The Battle For the Soul of America”, as the prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr., says,

“The marvelous new militancy, which has engulfed the Negro community, must not lead us to a distrust of all white people.  For many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.”

Therefore, We the People expect you to prevent this madness that Mr. Trump is espousing unchallenged, by taking the following actions, that we “may make for our actual freedom.”

1.     First, Issue the Presidential Executive Order that forbids the any military enforced resolution to a societal caused, social malady, i.e., the force relocation of homeless, US citizens into resettlement facilities, which will naturally evolve into internment/concentration camps

2.     Second, Send the Order to Congress for permanent Congressional Legislation

Once again, based on all the previous letters sent, do you have our backs, as we have always had yours?

We are looking forward to hearing from you on this matter, that, we together, might humanely resolve it.

The blessings of The Most High be upon us all,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville – EXODUS II

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