White House Leadership On 2028 LA Olympic Humane, Voluntary, Homeless Relocation Solution

Tue, Nov 29 at 12:33 pm To: Jeff Olivet | Cc:Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis
Hey Mr. Olivet, Shalom!
Just some more thought!

As you know, the Number 1 objective of the Justiceville, A-Team is to prevent our beloved, Union Republic from the further criminalization of homeless persons into “public health and safety” outlaws, leading their subsequent, and perhaps, inevitable, military enforced relocation into facilities that would be permanently erected, internment and/or concentration camps, as proposed in the July 26,2022 Proposal of former, US President, Donald J. Trump.

Note:  This proposal is now officially, a major portion of his political campaign platform.

GOD please forbid, that if ever implemented, such a travesty would failed end of the “Nordu Ordu Seclurum” American experiment in We the People governance, and ole’ “crazy” King George III of 1July 4, 1776 notoriety, representing monarchist tyranny will be vindicated.

Such failure would be because We elected to utilize the military, i.e., federalized, National Guards to resolve a societal caused, social malady, as would any tyrannical government.

Nonetheless, in collaboration, should we together be successful in preventing the force military option, the next great and more difficult step, is the implementation of EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics Initiative.

Provided that the “tools” of Presidential authority and instruments of the Emancipation Proclamation, in conjunction with 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act are allowed to be accessed…

…in collaboration with USICH, the A-Team and I are highly competent in our skill sets, and therefore confident that on the July 14th OPENING DAY ceremonies of the 2028 LA Olympics, it would be gratefully announced that homelessness culture in America has been humanely resolved (non-military enforcement), beginning in Los Angeles, its former National Capital.

In fact, we envision that the White House, i.e., POTUS rightly legally, morally correctly, get out in front to lead America with all its resources, especially Preamble cognizant citizens, followed by all the international world.

With access to the Presidential Seal, my Team and I can successfully rally all concerned Americans to our collaborative cause, including local and national stakeholders.

In my particular case, among other attributes and assets that I bring to this “table of brotherhood”, is many American African, black citizens celebrities of all ages, especially of the athletic world.

Especially poignant in the athletic sense, is the participation of my youngest daughter, Ms. Joanna D. Hayes, 2004 Athens Greece Olympics, 110 Meter Hurdles, Gold Medalist, and a senior Track & Field coach at USC (University of Southern California) who is our lead Olympian spokesperson.

As before, sir, as black citizens, all we expect of the President, et al, in what might become America’s last gasps of free breathing, according to Sentence 2. B., etc., of the Emancipation Proclamation, is to freely exercise our bequeathed, inherited right of authority to determine our own destiny.

Finally, while we have not brought to the front door of the White House, massive, raucous street movements designed to shame such as, “Black Lives Matter”, or “Occupy Wall Street”, nor even, 1960’s type protests and wild demonstrations, etc., but rather, according to the Emancipation Proclamation, apparently such numbers of “such persons, or any of them” is not required.

In fact, there is no set number(s) of peoples, etc., but rather, a demonstration of a given size body politic of cognizant American Africans to utilize POTUS authority and military assets “in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

In keeping and complying with this portion of the “Promissory Note”, our collaborated success will be the first steps of dismantling “systemic racism” and being replaced by “systemic rectification” for reconciliation healing of the “battle wounded”, national soul of America between white and black citizens, as summoned for in the HR #194 Apology Resolution.

However, to deny us this rightful assess to managing and determining our own destiny would be to not “recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons”, but instead, conduct harmful acts “to repress” us in our legally right and morally correct cause.

This is the level of our collaborations with you that we together desire, and imperative must conduct.

Thanks again, beseech the blessings of The Most High upon us al in this crucial matter,


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