WH Let 8: A-Team To “Systemic Racism and The Department of Justice”

Thu, Jun 30 at 11:39 AM

Ted Hayes <ted@tedhayes.us> To:Helene Schneider | Cc:Tanya Mathis,Rexanah Wyse,jeff.olivet@usich.gov

Black Citizens Homelessness
“Systemic Racism and The Department of Justice”

Greetings Ms. Schneider, et al, Shalom!
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is seated at the “table” of White House Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) not to raise funds, nor build shelter/housing and operate other homelessness social services programs, but rather is to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Acts VIOLATIONS primarily against black citizens of federal, super citizenship status, as it relates to homelessness.

The correct, White House USICH assessment that America’s systemic racism against black, is the justification that behooves the DOJ to investigate and prosecute it.

Established in 1870, among other purposes, the DOJ was and forever remains in existence, as long as this “nation under GOD…shall not perish from the earth”, specifically to equally protect the freed chattel slaves, i.e., Freedmen and Freemen (non-enslaved American Africans), black citizens from the antics of white supremacist and their systems of generational suppression against them.

The DOJ is commissioned to remove all impediments to the advancement of American Africans into the EXPERIENCED, “equal justice/righteous protection under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” according to the Section 1 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act.

In this matter, the DOJ sits in collaboration with the DOD (Department of Defense), at the USICH strategy table, as they are connected by the Presidential Executive orders of the January 1, 1863, Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation ascribing to all branches of the US military, if need be,

“…all persons held as slaves…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

As Federal District Judge, the Hon. David A. Carter correctly attest to, that the disproportion of homeless, black citizens, is because the orders/mandates of the Emancipation Proclamation are yet unfulfilled, which is align with the USICH policy concerning systemic racism.

Essentially, this means said Executive Order is a living document being perhaps, even more poignant for this present time than when initially enacted 159 years ago.

As such, this federal document enshrines the necessary authority by which its awakened, literately cognizant, Subject Beneficiaries would one day be White House granted the opportunity for them/us to achieve “in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom” as prescribed.

While initially successful, due to certain mitigating factor, over the lost decades, the DOJ wondered away from its original purpose, and is now lost, but caught up in the morasses of other unrelated and unqualified matters of other persons causes, and not that of the Subject Beneficiaries of The Emancipation Proclamation and Act of US black citizenship.

In accordance with White House USICH policy that “system racism” the Justiceville A-Team has prepared a corpus delicti – body of evidence of such anti-America abuse against black citizens by which the DOJ can successfully perform its duty in this matter.

As the LAHSA (LA Homelessness Services Authority) policy has incriminate itself in their own admission to practicing systemic racism.

Attached are two document that present glaring example of this racist, white supremacy abuse against black citizens, of the institutionalized, homelessness industrial complex (IHIC), and that of the “mainstream” society itself.

Therefore, as the one of the initial matters of EXODUS, we must have this matter at the very top of our discussions with USICH.

One of the leading A-Team participants, Mr. Wayne Fishback and his task committee is preparing you more detailed information on how he has uncovered the “invisible” elements, i.e., regulations, not even laws, which cleverly hide this modern day, post 1964, Jim Crowism 2.0.

In the meantime, please see the attached documents:

1. The LA Violation of 1866 Civil Rights Act-14th Amendment Act of Black Citizenship

2.  The LA County Department of Health Violates Codes of public Health and Safety

Enough for now, and I said, Mr. Fishback will be sending you more material information on this particular matter by which we can assist the intents of Mr. Olivet.

Thanks kindly and until next time, be blessed of GOD, for you and yours,

Ted Hayes
Justiceville, EXODUS II:2028

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