The United States Domestic Peace Corps (E.G.I.I.P.) is the central and necessary component of and within the Justiceville initiated Exodus Genesis Incentive Initiative Plan (E.G.I.I.P.) the Presidential Executive Ordered, national objective to eradicate chronic, hardcore, sidewalk, encampment homelessness, coded EXODUS.
Without such an element, which been starkly absent in social service outreach programs, it’s impossible for the E.G.I.I.P. function and achieve its objective, which holds true to nearly every other sincere, well-meaning, good efforts and strategies addressing chronic, hardcore, sidewalk, encampment, etc., homelessness.
Similar to the United States Peace Corps, the Domestic Peace Corps (DPC) directly assist the implementation of the EGIIP from the sidewalks encampments, etc., through its three (3) transitional phases into the fourth and final one, being the objective of transitioning former graduated homeless persons into the mainstream of society or the chartered township option.