Justiceville II: DPC Training Center (A) – The Management of Sanctioned Encampments:

The Domestic Peace Corps DPS Training Center (B)

Nature of the First Village: The All Important, Center Piece and Heart, US Domestic Peace Corps (DPC) Factor

This model, is a “tamed” Justiceville encampment, is actually a Domestic Peace Corps (DPS) training and equipping with power center, being based on Ted’ unique experience as the first DPC worker in a 1985, “wild” encampment that he transformed into legendary Justiceville.

Please see: www.DomesticPeaceCorps.org
As the most significant component of the managed encampment, are certain, non-homeless individuals of various ages, whom will serve its residents as social, civil stabilization, etc.

Before, the selected non homeless recruits from the general homelessness populations are recognized as full DPCW, these individuals, and/or qualified homeless persons, must first dwell and be oriented in the Justiceville training encampment.

See: The Ted DPC Experience

Along with other, later to be mentioned amenities for the chosen or selected ones for the DPC, is that the encampments provides much-needed security for personal belongings, are personall safe to pursue their respective aspirations.

The encampment will consist of possibly, three (3) residential component sectors:

  1. The non-homeless training DPCW’s; trained and stipend:
  2. Participating homeless residents trained and financed into the DPC;
  3. Those who will transition to the Justiceville, mini, or pre “Promised Lands” addressed in the EXODUS Plan

This initial DPC, training encampment is sanely not designed to program persons into the turbulent, stressful, “mainstream” society, but rather, the very opposite, which is away to the “Promised Lands”, etc.

The DPC Workers Benefits
The DPC workers, both training candidates, and graduates will be:

  1.  Special, protective credentials for safety from the US Department of Justice (DOJ), as well as that of state, county and municipality;
    Note: This is one reasons why it’s imperative that the Presidential Executive Order is issued, whereby, these extraordinary, unprecedented credentials can and  must be authorized.
  2. Stipend according TO skill sets, and graduated advancement;
  3. Provided with workers’ compensation;
  4. Accident and life insurances, health and dental care;
  5. Granted opportunities to pursuit their own entrepreneur business interest concerning their own, progressive journeys to exciting, economic, civic responsibilities.

The chosen homeless participants of this initial, official, government, sanctioned encampment, will also be properly trained, and equipped into the DPC, with like benefits.


Upon completion of training, these transformed homeless persons into DPC workers will be deployed into certain, selected, “non-managed” or “wild” encampments.


Their assignment is to gradually amalgamate into the “wild” encampment in order enlist its’ willing residents into the aforementioned objective and activities, as well, even becoming sanctioned and protected.It is of these populations that transformed homeless persons will become DPC workers; or, transfer to the out of urban center, also sanctioned, “Promised Lands”; or seek the pathways to mainstream.


The Win-Win-Win, Symbiotic, Beneficial Objective of the no longer “wild”, but transformed, i.e., managed, and sanctioned areas will be the following:

  1. Maintaining general, local neighborhood cleanliness;
  2. Cease panhandling and other anti-social behaviorism;
  3. Working neighborhood watch

Note: due to being managed, the criminal element hidden within the encampments will either leave the area or convert to being law abiding, particularly as the various law enforcement entities are directly involved.

Serving as a “human vacuum cleaner”, this initial, model Justiceville II will spawn others such sanctioned or managed encampments via the embedded by DPC workers, to be transitioned into The EXODUS Plan