If these, government employees knew what they were doing, this matter would have been resolved long ago, especially after spending billions of taxpayer’s dollars all to naught.
None of these aforementioned entities are in possession of a basic, comprehensive, strategic, policy and plan as had and does Justiceville for the last 38 years.
Of course, evidently, EXODUS II has been steadfastly resisted, clearly by what the Biden Administration correctly identifies as “systemic racism”, as well as political bias, social class repression, against myself and federal black citizens.
This behavior is Department of Justice investigation stuff!
4. The POTUS is our only hope and rightly is his responsibility to rescue us from this local oppression and repression, and tell us to run back into the “burning house”, which is actually cruelty of worse sort.
We are not asking you to fight our “battles”, nor negotiate for us, as don’s seek federal funds, all of which everyone the White House should be most glad about, but to simply, arrange the proper personnel in Domestic Policy Council for us to speak with, as assuredly, the locals will not work with us. We have for 38 years, tried!
Our country, led by President Biden, is mysteriously and aggressively welcoming so called migrant refugees from all over the world to refuge, rest, and prosper into the American Dream, primarily on the backs of black citizens, even as was done on the backs of our chattel enslaved ancestors by Americans of willing immigrant status.
As refugees? In actuality, the Constitution mentions only refugee status only of the liberated, freed American African, chattel slaves and their descendant children as inheritance forever in this Union Republic country. Sec. 3, 1866 Civil Rights Act.
These foreigners claim that they seek refuge from their own oppressive governments, thereby American must allow them in and treat them with dignity and respect more than the domestic sufferers.
Mr. Olivet, Mr. Biden, and whoever reads this content, Where and to whom now, do we black citizen run for refuge from our local government oppressors?
Thus, far, you are demonstrating that we have been abandoned, and have nowhere to refuge in our own country, built upon the backs of black citizens, chattel enslaved ancestors.
According The Act, Secs. 4, 8, and 9, its the POTUS to whom we are to run and the military. The The Act Sec. 1 mandates something that we have not received,
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
And according to the Emancipation Proclamation, Sent. 2, B., the Executive Government and the military is the proper places to where we are ORDERED to seek such refuge for the sake of the nations national security”
The way in which we are being treated, in multiple ways, of which you do know them, particularly as it stands with the “migrant” matters, this Law has been, and is sorely being violated by both local and our lawful, supposedly Constitutionally mandated, federal Protectors.
Just thought of something.
What if we formally return to the local, federal, representative, which in my District is the Hon. House Representative, Mr. Ted Lieu,
and if we should be rejected, would that help you arrange the connection to the Domestic Policy Council.
However, it’s truly futile to seek out national organizations, an I do believe you know that, unless we go them with your referencing.
Anyway, please let us know your sentiment here. Just arrange the proper connection. That’s all!
Thanks and all the best of The Most High upon you and yours,
PS. Please understand and know, that knowing your sensitive, beautiful hearts-spirit-souls, I/we don’t hold you you guilty for this situation, nor the others, who like you, have simply and innocently, inherited this incredibly dangerous, stealth racist, national security, threat to our country, and wishing you all the best.